
More then likely you have seen photos of fitness vlogger Chemese’s swollen face since it went viral. A horrible reaction to henna hair dye. The headlines, the photos and her experience would be anyone’s worst nightmare.

hair dye henna_cheme fitness vlogger blogger swollen hennasooq henna

To top that off, this all happened from using a so-called natural henna hair dye that her dermatologist recommended she use. She trusted a salon in Austin, TX to do her henna for hair coloring. She truly trusted everyone’s advice and followed their recommendations.

When I saw this article I felt a range of concerns and emotions. I felt really badly that this happened to Chemese and I didn’t want this to happen to anyone else. So today I want to address this.

Not all Henna Powders nor Brands are Created Equally

Unfortunately no they aren’t. You must choose body art quality or make sure that it’s 100% pure henna powder. Natural henna powder only stains reddish tones. Anyone that ever tells you differently about henna is wrong. Yes they are 100% wrong. A plant will not create two color/stain results. Like blueberries you get the same blue-ish tone every time. Strawberries the same thing, will always stain red. I blame the companies/brands that create “henna colors”. This is your fault for not giving us the knowledge to choose correctly. Colorists, salons, retailers and even henna artists are confused. The general public becomes confused because our so-called “experts” are taught that henna is a blend of colors and offers this variety. No there is no variety in henna but this is something created because it’s so much easier to just sell you a red henna, blond henna, black henna and so forth. Henna is henna (lawsonia inermis). Choose 100% henna (then decide on what you want to add to your henna yourself). This blog post should help you: Choose the Right Henna Powder.

Organically Certified Henna does not contain PPD

A reputable supplier of organically certified henna powders and ayurvedic herbs will not contain chemicals or added ingredients. There’s no need for that. Empower yourself with the raw ingredients and create your henna recipe yourself. In this you get the best results for your hair and you also know exactly what is in your henna recipe. Knowing what is being put into and onto your body is very important.

Henna Powder Rarely Creates an Allergic Reaction

I’ve never seen nor heard of ANY (not one) reaction to henna powder from any of our clients. In all of my 10+ years in henna natural hair color I’ve never seen any allergic reaction as badly as this. I have heard of reactions of itchy scalp, headaches and red scalp irritation but this was always due to indigo powder. So clients be wary that indigo can cause allergic reactions even though it is a natural plant dye. I’m certain we all know people who have nut allergies that can be deadly to them even though nuts are quite natural.

Bring Your Own Henna to the Salon

The safest route might to bring your own henna to your colorist. I know a lot of clients that prefer to do that. That way you won’t have to take a chance using the “henna color” blends that the salon carries because who really usually takes the time to read the ingredients or show them to you? I want to make note of this here that not all salons or colorists offer “henna color” blends. There are many that use 100% pure henna powders and ingredients for naturally coloring your hair and covering greys. I personally train many of them.

The Sad Truth

Seeing photos, listening and reading all about Chemese’s reaction does not help promote the use of henna natural hair color. It definitely makes henna look really bad (so does black body art henna which is usually made with PPD hair dye). Don’t you think the average person would take one look at these photos and tell them themselves heck no?! I would be scared too if I didn’t know any better. Luckily that’s what I’m here for to keep on spreading the henna love. So dear clients and new readers do know that at Henna Sooq we’re here to answer all of your questions and take you through your #HennaJourney.

Because henna is Beauty, Love & Happiness. @forbittenfroot on IG

Because Henna is Beauty forbittenfroot hennasooq columbia maryland batlimore