
Neem – The Healing “Tree of Life”


Natures natural healer.  Neem is an amazing ayurvedic herb.  It is a hardy tree that grown in Southeast Asia and is used to treat many ailments.

Neem is anti-inflammatory, anti-parisitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral.  It can be used to treat dandruff, psoriasis, acne prone skin, dark spots on the skin, it can reduce the signs of ageing.  It is a great moisturizer and helps to strengthen the hair and create new growth.

It’s a wonder more people don’t know about Neem or use it!


For Hair:

Dandruff – Neem is great to prevent dandruff.  Create a paste of the Neem powder and apply to the hair as a mask, massage into the scalp and leave for 15 minutes.  Wash and condition as usual.  You can do this treatment 3x a week to treat dandruff effectively.

Conditioning – Use Neem with Skikaki and Amla as a deep conditioning treatment.  Once a month create a paste of these three herbs and massage into the scalp.  Wrap and leave for one hour.  This will help keep the hair moisturized and reduce dryness as well as controlling common hair problems.

For face and body:

Psoriasis – Infuse some body oil with Neem powder and use it to relieve the itching and moisturize the skin.  It is also antibacterial so it will prevent further infection.

Under Eye Circles – Reduce under eye circles by applying to the under-eye area and leave it on for 15 minutes.  Use it everyday to keep the dark circles away.

Problematic skin – The Vitamin C in the paste helps prevent ageing of the skin.  Use Neem paste regularly to prevent blackheads and keep a clear complexion.