
Thank you Caitlin for entering our contest. We hope you win. This submission was made on time, for the December 11th weekly drawing.

I just love seeing how Caitlin went from natural blond tones, to a gorgeous deep red.

Caitlin’s Regimen:

I use conditioner only to wash my hair, but when I do clarify I use shampoo bars or an organic shampoo. I, as well, use an organic conditioner to clean my hair. After my shower I use a homemade leave-in conditioner (1/3 conditioner, 2/3 water, as much pure aloe vera gel as I want). I use pure coconut oil when I need to moisturize my hair. Sometimes after my shower with damp hair or sometimes on dry hair. When I do curls (rag curls) I also use aloe vera gel to help it stay. When I have time, I try to do deep oiling treatments which are just plain extra virgin olive oil with rosemary essential oil.

I have been using Jamila henna since January. Henna definitely makes my hair stronger and helps prevent breakage. It as well makes my hair really soft and shiny and more natural looking. Chemical dyes always burned my scalp, but henna does not. It also helps a lot with my dandruff and the itchiness when my scalp gets dry.

Shampoo bars don’t dry out my hair as much as regular shampoo. I always found shampoos to dry out my scalp and hair too much and my hair would get a lot of static. I found shampoo bars to not be as drying, and are much gentler on my hair.

I have found since changing my routine and using what I use now, my hair is more manageable, more moisturized, softer and it is a lot stronger.

Caitlin Entry before

Caitlin Entry Jamila henna

Caitlin Entry Jamila henna and curlies