
Featured Natural Hair Lover

This is a new featured page where we will present a Natural Hair Lover, and their hair regimen, with photos. They will be featured for one month.

Those eligible will receive a free $15.00 gift certificate at Henna Sooq Online. (shipping not included)

We’re waiting for YOU to be our next featured natural hair lover!

How to Enter:

Submit your name, natural hair regimen (feel free to include other natural items you enjoy using), and personal hair story. We also require you submit a very clear, photo(s) (this is very important) that is at least 400 X 400 or larger. We can edit large photos for you. OR if you don’t have a photo, it can be a very well produced video (preferably via youtube). We reserve the right to reject any submissions after review.

Your natural hair regimen, should explain in detail how you manage your hair, along with your hair recipe. It should include at least one or more ayurvedic herb(s) to be eligible. Please share with us a bit about yourself, and your personal hair story.

Submit your Natural Hair Lover email to hennasooq@gmail.com, and we’ll notify you if you have been selected. Thank you!