We all have those funny henna stories, don’t we?  Have you ever answered the door with your henna helmet on?  Perhaps you’ve unintentioally re-modeled your bathroom with paste?  Maybe you’ve even sneezed into your henna paste plastering it all over you? Or make a fashion statement by going out in your dashing henna helmet?  Has a spouse mistaken henna paste for something tasty?
A few years ago, I set about my normal henna routine.  I placed my plastic covered henna paste on the radiator to release and had stepped away for a few minutes.  Upon returning, the resident catnip-addicted cat named Rosie had pawed off the plastic covering and was licking the henna bowl and purring so loudly as if it were premium catnip itself!!  Needless to say, the next time I prepared henna, I used a glass bowl with a  tight fitting lid. Whenever henna day rolls around, one can find Rosie purring loudly close by.  Rosie also likes to linger around my hair for a week after henna- she is entranced by it!
Who licked the henna from the henna bowl? Rosie, 15, was not interested in being interviewed after the henna fiasco
It doesn’t stop there! There was also that time where our miniature dachshund named Dashy had pulled the henna coated kitchen wrap out of the trash and ended up with a very orange tongue for a few days.  He could have at least chosen a pretty design! 😉
Dashy, 5, obviously ashamed of his henna crimes, in hiding to avoid questioning
Please share your funny henna story with us! 😀
I think I have commited every henna “oops” in the book. 2 that immediatly come to mind….
The very first time I henna’d my butt lenth hair I dipped my head upside down and applied the henna… Then I had the bright idea to right myself, sending a perfect long line of henna across the ceiling on the bathroom.
One time I was doing dishing, scrubbing a particuarly difficult glass pot lid that had spagetti sauce all over it. I scrubbed and scrubbed the inside, turned it over to the look at the top, it looked clean, felt clean; so, I turned it back over to rinse it and it was magically covered in sauce again. I did this turning over and inspecting of the lid 4 or 5 times before I realized the spagetti sauce I thought I was seeing was an old henna stain on my palm.