
A weekend filled with the most amazing henna experts, and artists in the field, retreat lodging, all meals & snacks, yoga & budokon workouts, swag bags with $50+ worth of products, and endless henna and coffee. Now that doesn’t that beyond suh-weet to you?!

Coming up March 13-15, 2015. Registration starts here: www.HennaChai.com

Henna Chai Instructor Sumeyya Henna Craze

Now top that off with our 6 Weeks of Henna Contest!

It’s very easy to enter. Just share/repin your photo of your henna paste recipe on our Week 1 Pinterest Page.You must enter in Week 1 in order to take part in the contest. You have until January 12th to enter. Week 1 is the only week NEW ENTRIES will be accepted. Voting for Week 1 ends January 12th, 2015 at 12pm EST.

Once entered please send us an email to Khadija@hennasooq.com with the following:

  • Your name
  • Your Pinterest account name
  • The email address attached to your Pinterest account

Make sure to post, tweet, share, pin, email, and do whatever you can to get the most votes (“hearts/favorites & re-pins) possible for your entry.

Then collect your votes! Everyone will vote for their favorite. Click on the heart/favorite and/or re-pin your faves. Every heart and re-pin counts as a vote. For more information, please visit our website at www.HennaChai.com

Having trouble? Follow these directions:
1. Open a Pinterest account, if you do not have one already. (www.pinterest.com)
2. Follow Henna Sooq on Pinterest
3. Review Pinterest Basics: http://about.pinterest.com/basics
4. Review Instructions on how to add a pin: https://help.pinterest.com/entries/22980372-Pins-and-likes

I heart henna paste
Mixing henna paste
Tea brew for henna paste

What you can win. YEAH!

Edited Budokon Henna Chai contest 6 weeks