Good evening everyone!
It’s been extremely busy here at Henna Sooq. Thank you for your business, and for loving our products!
We’ve entered our youngest daughter, Matinah, in the Children’s Place model contest. It looks like fun! Honestly, she turn heads when we’re out with her. She is constantly smiling, and she does have a passion for henna already in her. See her here already doing henna body art.
Now she’s just growing up so fast. Her hair has grown so long, and curly. She’s only 3 years old, and just beaming with all that she knows already. She’s our little drama queen, and easily steals hearts.
Her entry is number:Â 462690. She can be found here at the Children’s Place model entry page: Gallery
In order to place your vote, you’ll most likely have to enter her entry id number as given above, and it’ll show up. It allows one vote per day. We’d really appreciate all the votes we can get 🙂
This is the photo we submitted for the Children’s Place Model Contest below. Our first entry above, wasn’t accepted as it wasn’t a full length portrait, but we wanted to share the above photo as it gives you a better idea of what she looks like. All entries must be full length.
Please vote as soon as you can, as the time for this contest ends very soon! Thank you.