Day 5 of Celebrating Henna Sooq‘s 8 Year Anniversary
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Valid for a limited time only!
Take Part to Win $5 store credit for current clients OR a $5 coupon for new clients. Everyone wins!!
Two Ways to Win!
1. Play our Henna Chai & Budokon Intensive Retreat Quiz
2. Draw a Henna Art Design
How to Enter
1. Submit all of your answers to our blog post right below here in comments (or link to), or on our Facebook Fan Page, or via email to Must have your full name to enter.
Questions will be found below towards the end of this post.
2. Submit your drawing to our blog post right below here in the comments (or link to), or on our Facebook Fan Page, or via email to Must have your full name to enter.
The henna art design must contain ONLY these 3 elements found in this photo below. Drawn by Khadija, owner of Henna Sooq.
Henna Chai & Budokon Intensive Retreat
(most answers can be found on google or at
1. Which city and state does the 2014 retreat take place in?
2. What does Chai mean?
3. What is the first year Henna Chai took place?
4. Name the 3 cities (or state/province) where Henna Chai has taken place.
5. Is Budokon martial arts or yoga or both?
6. BONUS $5: Why would you love to come to Henna Chai & Budokon Intensive Retreat?
Terms: This promotion & quiz is valid only until September 25, 2013 at 11:59 pm EST. Entrants can only choose ONE way to enter. Choose either quiz or drawing. Thank you!
1. Which city and state does the 2014 retreat take place in?
The retreat will take place in Reisterstown, Maryland.
2. What does Chai mean?
Chai is a type of tea.
3. What is the first year Henna Chai took place?
Henna Chai started in 2009, before that the 2007 and 2008 events had different names.
4. Name the 3 cities (or state/province) where Henna Chai has taken place.
Henna Chai has taken place in Toronto, ON, Mississauga, ON, and Reisterstown, MD.
5. Is Budokon martial arts or yoga or both?
Budokon is a lifestyle that incorporates both martial arts and yoga practices.
6. BONUS $5: Why would you love to come to Henna Chai & Budokon Intensive Retreat?
To spend time learning, talking and sharing my passion for henna with other henna enthusiasts 🙂
Amazing Maninder!!!
Maninder, we’ll be applying $10 store credit for you at Henna Sooq. Have you ordered with us before or are you a new client?
1. Reistertown, MD
2. It is a type of tea
3. It started in 2009
4. Toronto & Mississauga in Ontario and Reistertown, MD
5. It is a type of Martial Art & Yoga
6. I love learning new things and being able to learn more about the Henna community and pass that knowledge to my girls where they can use that knowledge in their everyday lives is wonderful. My girls and I have been researching this for months and they are always asking me questions about Henna and I tell them let’s go and do more research, we all think it’s wonderful and fascinating.
I’m not sure if I also needed to put in you first got together at the Ceramic Cafe where you henna’ed different items, but you didn’t have a location listed.
Congrats Annette!!
1. Which city and state does the 2014 retreat take place in?
Reistertown, MD
2. What does Chai mean? It is a tea with spices and milk.
3. What is the first year Henna Chai took place? 2009
4. Name the 3 cities (or state/province) where Henna Chai has taken place. Reisterstown md, Montreal and Toronto Canada
5. Is Budokon martial arts or yoga or both? Both
6. BONUS $5: Why would you love to come to Henna Chai & Budokon Intensive Retreat?
I would love to come to the retreat to learn about henna and applying henna tattoos.
Thank you Robyn for entering but this ended Sept. 25th. Sorry