by Henna Sooq | Jan 5, 2010 | Product Giveaways!
Here, Splinta24, is running her very own contest for her subscribers. She has given Jamila henna powder, and Cocoveda Shampoo bar as contest prizes. Congratulations to the winners! If you are having a contest, or get together, don’t hesitate to ask for...
by Henna Sooq | Jan 5, 2010 | Product Giveaways!
We realized that the winners for the week of December 11, 2009 had not been announced. Thank you for bringing that to our attention! The Henna Artist Winner that week was Hafsa with her beautiful henna body artwork. For Natural Hair Care, the winner is Wardah! Thank...
by Henna Sooq | Jan 5, 2010 | Product Giveaways!
Thank you for entering our contest Victoria. Beautiful, intricate design. This week’s drawing is going to be very tough. Remember last day to enter is Jnauary 8, 2010, at midnight. Then our Grand Prize drawing (value of $60.00 in Henna Sooq products) by next...
by Henna Sooq | Jan 4, 2010 | Archived, Khadija's Boss Lady Magic
Brand new year. Brand new hopes, and dreams are racing through so many people’s thoughts. People trying to make changes, and trying hard to stick to those changes. Make a change, go natural. Make a commitment to use at least 1 natural product from the Henna...