by Henna Sooq | Dec 9, 2010 | Free Henna Body Art Tattoo Designs |
Looking at henna designs from books gives an artist inspiration. Sometimes you want to actually see it being created in front of you. By learning from other henna artists you can expand your style, learn new elements in design, and gain a tremendous amount of...
by Henna Sooq | Dec 3, 2010 | DIY Ayurvedic Hair & Beauty Care Recipes |
This rinse is taken from the Green Beauty Guide, and we’ve added our personal touch to this recipe. This recipe will enhance and deepen your brown tones, and have your hair looking vibrant. Please don’t use your coffeemaker for this recipe, as the...
by Henna Sooq | Dec 1, 2010 | DIY Ayurvedic Hair & Beauty Care Recipes, New Products!
I’ve been reading a new book called: The Green Beauty Guide, that I picked up in Toronto. I’ve really enjoyed some of the recipes in this book, and will be sharing some of them with you, that I had found interesting. I’ve added my own touches to the...
by Henna Sooq | Nov 23, 2010 | Retailers & Locations |
We want to welcome Fatma to our Henna Sooq Canada team! She’s our manager, and distributor of products covering Canada. We will also be re-opening our location at the Mississauga Flea Market, where you can locally pick up products and/or your order. We highly...