New & Sale! Cocoveda Hair Oil

New & Sale! Cocoveda Hair Oil

We have a brand new shipment in of our most popular hair oil: Cocoveda Now made with Organic ingredients! Same great benefits for rich, healthy hair now just even better.   This is the ultimate Ayurvedic hair oil. Money back guaranteed! Now on sale today only! Take...
Henna Tour Toronto with Khadija

Henna Tour Toronto with Khadija

Just a few short days and we’ll be in Toronto! We’re so excited. We just love this beautiful, multicultural, and green city. We have a few special events lined up as well. June 21, 2013 at Honey Fig Khadija will be at Honey Fig located at 4967 Yonge...
How Has Henna Changed Your Life?

How Has Henna Changed Your Life?

Henna is a huge part of my life. I’m a full time henna guru, educator, and lover. For over 15 years I have been a dedicated henna head, and been caring for my hair naturally. Since 2005, I have been beautifying the most amazing clients with my freestyle henna...
International Natural Hair Meetup Day!

International Natural Hair Meetup Day!

We can’t wait to see you tomorrow at the International Natural Hair Meetup Day Henna Sooq will be at: Holiday Inn Alexandria, 2460 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314 on Saturday, May 18, 2013 from 11 am to 4 pm. We’re one of the few exclusively chosen...