by Henna Sooq | Jan 13, 2010 | Events, Learn How to Henna: Classes &Trainings |
This is our flyer for our upcoming Henna Chai 2010. We hope to see you there!! To register click on the flyer and it will bring you to...
by Henna Sooq | Jan 12, 2010 | Product Giveaways!
Our Henna Artist Contest has come to a close as of January 8th. This week’s entries have been extremely hard to judge, as we had amazing entries this week. We had to call in the Henna Sooq staff to help with the judging, as their input is always very valuable to...
by Henna Sooq | Jan 12, 2010 | Product Giveaways!
With less then 3 weeks left for our Natural Hair Care Contest, we are reposting the guidelines on how to enter. Enter this contest today! We’ve added an additional 300 grams of any henna, and/or herbal powder of your choice to the Grand Prize. The Grand Prize is...
by Henna Sooq | Jan 11, 2010 | Caring For Your Hair: The Henna Way, DIY Ayurvedic Hair & Beauty Care Recipes, Featured Henna for Hair Clients, Product Giveaways! |
Thank you for your submission. We also hope you win!! Here’s her story: IÂ go by Kusare or Phrizzball on hair forums so that is what I am known as. I just celebrated my “nappiversary” in December. Truthfully I went natural because of laziness of...