On our way to Atlanta’s Natural Hair Show

On our way to Atlanta’s Natural Hair Show

Once again it’s time for Atlanta’s Natural Hair Show!! They’ll have their Fall Show on September 10-11, 2011 and features include: Witness Live on Stage: Big Chop or not. “Come witness LIVE on stage THE BIG CHOP or NOT. If you are thinking...
Jamila 2010 BAQ on Sale!

Jamila 2010 BAQ on Sale!

Good day everyone! It’s been really busy here at Henna Sooq and we value your business, and time you take to share your henna experiences with us. Sharing enables others to learn through your experiences, so please don’t hesitate to share your story with...
Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward

We want you to PAY IT FORWARD for Happy Henna Friday. Are you loving your natural henna? Then share this with someone! Share the natural alternatives to chemicals hair dyes, and hair treatments. Let them know about this simple plant that beautifies your body head to...
Indie Business Meetup With Donna Marie

Indie Business Meetup With Donna Marie

Hi everyone! I am Indie Business’s Baltimore, MD Director. Indie Business is the best decision I have ever made as a business owner. The network really empowers you, supports you, and it’s everything we could have needed to run a successfully growing...