by Khadija | Nov 24, 2014 | Archived
Our exclusive limited edition Red Velvet Cake Body Bar is now in stock! Luxurious, foaming goodness to cleanse and moisture your skin. Handmade, cold press body bar leaves your skin feeling soft and clean. $ 8 each bar. Available for a limited time only. Purchase Red...
by Khadija | Oct 20, 2014 | Events
Good day everyone! We hope all of you are doing well. We’re so excited to announce our Henna Chai & Budokon Retreat 2015! Takes place March 13-15, 2014 at Pearlstone Retreat Center near Baltimore, Maryland. We have the amazing Debi...
by Khadija | Oct 2, 2014 | Sale at Henna Sooq |
She is here! Yes it’s true! For a limited time only, Red Raj will be available at our special 1 kg pricing. Hurry! (Sorry Henna Sooq USA only. Please wait for Henna Sooq Canada to receive their stock) Special offer valid until October 3, 2014 at 11:59 pm EST....
by Khadija | Sep 6, 2014 | Events, Henna and Jagua Body Art Tattoos, Learn How to Henna: Classes &Trainings
So excited to be heading to California in just a few days! We’ll be heading to Henna Intensive & Retreat as one of the sponsors for the third year in a row. We just love this annual event, and this trip is so rejuvenating. I also personally, feel inspired to...