Thank you for entering Stevie!
We are feeling extremely generous this week, and have decided that everyone who has entered in the contest this week is a winner!!
The last day for our Natural Hair Care contest is tomorow January 29, at midnight. Enter as soon as you can. It’s really simple: your natural hair care regimen, and a photo of your gorgeous hair! Email us at to enter now!!
Stevie’s Henna Journey
I have been coloring my hair “red” with all natural henna for almost 6 years now. I used to have dirty blond going brown hair and it was always a long tangled mess (my hair used to be a little more than half way down my back). Now my hair is so soft and shiny, plus I love the color. The shade and brightness of color depend on how long I leave it in as well the lighting of the day. As well, all photo representations vary due to flash or the surrounding lighting.
-Use 2 boxes of henna powder. Typically Jamila.
-Mix boiling water into powder until brownie batter consistency.
-Mix in 3-5 drops of Lavender essential oil.
-Leave to cool between 45 mins -1 hour.
-With gloves I apply to head in handfuls starting at the roots and covering them as best as possible while moving to the ends.
-Pile all hair on top of head and wipe off any excess from skin on forehead, ears, neck…
-Wrap with plastic bag and let sit for 2 hours minimum.
Gorgeous color but is it enough to leave henna for 45 min. to 1 hour for dye release? I’ll color my hair with henna, soon. Just in case, I might need that info..:)
Yes Ebru, some people only let their henna sit that long and get great results as you can see from Stevie’s hair. Plus she has decided to use boiling water and that also speeds up the dye release a lot.
I personally prefer warm results as to not push the henna too fast, but whats great about henna and natural hair care is that everyone decides on what regimen works best for them!
Happy henna’ing!
Such a beautiful colour Stevie! I was wondering if you achiieved this colour with the first application. If not,how many applications did you need to achieve this gorgeous colour?
Thanks a lot 🙂
Stevie has been doing henna for a couple of years when this picture was submitted to us. Typically to get a nice henna build up and rich deep color, it takes about 4-6 applications.
Ok I see..But how will the roots have the same rich built-up colour as the rest of the hair? Does henna need to be left on the roots for many more hours to in order to have the same colour as the lengths? I’m going to try Stevie’s recipe and I’m kinda scared I will end up with red ‘zebra’ hair..
The roots are always slightly lighter, especially because my hair is naturally light. But this is why I start my application at my roots. I start at the areas that are most visible, taking into account what it all looks like when I wear it up. So I definitely pay attention to around my hair line (especially in front) and my part. This way, the henna sits on those areas the longest. Slightly lighter roots for me are just part of the process, but the colour does “darken” after the first day or so after application.
I’d like to note that I think I now use hot water from the tap, not boiling. Also, because of the build up of colour that I have, I make sure my roots are throughoughly covered, and the rest gets covered in the rest of the paste as I go and at the end.
Good luck with your hennaing! 🙂 I hope you like how it turns out!
Will henna application also help with hair loss?
No henna doesn’t help with hair loss because hair loss is caused by several factors. Henna can help keep your scalp and hair very healthy and strengthen then but other herbs that we carry help with promoting hair to grow and keeping your scalp healthy so that more hair can grow. Have you discussed your hair loss with your doctor?
I have discussed with various doctors regarding it but they are clueless especially when blood reports comes back clean and i maintain a clean diet as well .I am at the point of giving up on my hair issues but i want to make a last attempt at hennasooq.I think my scalp needs something else.Please advise sister.I also want to colour my hair red.Will red raj help strengthen my scalp and hair?
Sure Red Raj would be great my dear, for coloring but also our Sukesh Ayurveda will be very helpful. Please try both. We also carry organic amla oil at
Thank you!I will definitely try out.