There are many tricks of the trade on how to seal your henna design once it’s nice and dry so that it doesn’t crumble away.
Keeping the henna design on even after it dries, and is sealed for at least 3-4 hours or even overnight is ideal to achieve the best, and deepest color results.
The stain should look like this after paste removal
You can create a lemon sugar mixture on your stove top or even by microwave.
- Take 1/4 cup of warmed lemon juice
- Add 3-4 tbsp of sugar
- Mix well
- Sugar should completely dissolve, but if not, warm the mixture up a bit more
- We place ours into bottles (4 oz and 12 oz as our refills) and shake them very well to make sure everything dissolves. A red cap comes with our bottles which keeps them closed. These can be used to store your lemon sugar sealant
- When working we place lemon sugar sealant mixture into a 2 oz spray bottle
- It’s easy to lightly mist onto designs
- Some prefer to dab from the larger bottles using cotton balls
- Whatever works for you is perfect!
- Double the above recipe as needed
For outdoor and large events you can do the following: (with one minor change, rather then a large turkey baster, you can use a bulb syringe)