
It’s takes only 5 seconds to scan our QR Code to Like Us on our Facebook Fan Page, and then get 20% off your next order online.

All you need it a smart phone with a QR Reader app downloaded to your phone. They’re absolutely free.

How To:

  • Download: QR code app for iPhone
  • Download: QR code app for Android
  • Then open your QR Reader
  • The scanner will proceed to try to scan
  • Place your phone’s camera over the code on your computer screen above, so the QR Reader can scan it
  • Immediately it’ll link you to Henna Sooq’s Fan Page
  • Click Like
  • Then receive 20% off by emailing us at info@hennasooq.com OR send us a message via Henna Sooq’s fan page to request your exclusive discount code

Thank you!

July 3, 2014- Please note that this blog post is from 2012 and this offer has expired. Blog posts remain part of our website as we don’t delete blog posts. We recommend that dates of the original blog post be checked to verify if the offers or promotions are still valid. Thank you for your understanding.