First off I have to say wow! We had a great time at Atlanta’s World Natural Hair Show. First off, I want to thank Taliah Waajid, her family, and her fabulous team for making this show everything that it can and should be. Thank you!
By chance, we found the original Chik Fil A, the Dwarf House. To be honest, I was really thrown off when I saw this Chik Fil A and wondered what could have happened to this location as I was looking for the modern Chik Fil A’s we see today. But this turned out to be so yummy!!! The Dwarf House Chik Fil A is the original Chik Fil A and where it all started. It’s a dinner slash take out Chik Fil A and even has a drive thru. We had such a great brunch there, that I can’t wait to go there again next time we head to Atlanta.
I would especially like to thank Henna Sooq‘s team for making this event fabulous, and for taking care of our clients. Look at our gorgeous display!
Thank you to Tiffany: our hard working sister, Bahiyah: our local Atlanta Natural Hair Diva and Educator, Sage and Ishrat: our talented henna artists, and the right from the Islands (and one of our retailers) the beautiful Denise of: Miss Naturalista. Of course I thank my husband, and partner Jamal for supporting this dream into becoming a reality. xo
Shout out to so many beautiful, and blessed businesses at the show. We had a lot of MD-VA-DC local businesses in our vendor area. Above Ziah and Kym of Jah 2.
We also got to see the crew of oyin handmade, and hang out with Jamyla for a bit. She’ll have a custom made henna design on her foot by Khadija for a few weeks. 🙂 Shout out to the beautiful Dominique, and her honey Syeed of All Things O’ Natural. Below it a photo of myself, and Dominique.
Hollering at Xotics for their up and coming product line created by celebrity stylist and barber Curtis Smith. If you missed out on their products, you’ll be sorry you did because they’re amazing! We even got a sneak peak at their brand new lip balm coming out soon!
I’m also a product junkie, so every show I have to try something different, and I’m always buying something to bring back for staff and family members. I decided to get ourselves some B.A.S.K which stands for Beauty Assortment for the Sun-Kissed. Oh their products smell so nice and yummy. They really have a unique product that you won’t find anywhere else. Very impressed!
We also got some yummy wrap’s from Tassili’s Raw Reality which kept us filled with good energy to keep working hard. They were so delicious! The line was so long though. I wish they could accommodate vendors in some way. Maybe a platter or pre-order system as it’s hard for vendors to leave their booth (forget eating), and we’d love to support their business as well.
Throughout the event I was able to do some henna body art for some of our clients, which came out just too gorgeous! Henna is truly a remarkable plant for overall healthy hair, and beautiful embellishments of the skin. AND ALL NATURAL!!
The above client photo also uses henna in her hair
Lastly and never, ever least we want to thank YOU, our clients. You keep on supporting us, and loving our products, we could not do this without YOU! Every client I meet when it comes to henna products are just beautiful, amazing people. Just amazing. NO LIES! You are all the most positive, loving, caring, and beautiful people.
Thank you!Â
With love,Â
Thank you!!! It was a pleasure to be able to help family and I can’t wait for the next one.
Great pics and post Khadijah! Looks like you all had a fabulous time. Sure wish I could have been there. Blessings!
Tiffany, welcome!!! Our pleasure!! Mark down your calendar. We’re heading to Atlanta October 6 & 7!!
Lavendar!! How are you? I hope well. We had an amazing time. It was beautiful and everyone was great. Do you think you’ll be able to go in October 2012?
I’m doing well Khadija; thanks so much! I didn’t know there was a show in October. I’m sure I will not be able to travel until I graduate in December. However, that time is coming soon. Woo hoo! I will be attending my first hair meet-up this weekend at the National Natural Hair Day in Alexandria, VA. I’m so excited to be going to my first hair event.
Hi Lavendar! No way!! You’re going to it this Saturday?? That is so exciting. Guess what we have going on? We’re going to be there for one, and second we’re having a contest giveaway with tickets for this Saturday’s event and products from us !!! Have you already gotten your ticket or would want to take part in the giveaway?
I’m so excited; this is my first hair event! It’s been six years and I will finally get to meet my friend in person. I will be running to your table first! LOL I’ve already got two swagbag tickets, and I will be bringing a friend. I just saw your giveaway and I tried to get my daughter to enter, but she think one hair fanatic in the family is enough. LOL Can’t wait to see you this weekend!
I know! I can’t wait 🙂 LOL to your daughter 🙂 Tell her I’m doing henna as well so she can get some body art done as well if she wanted to. I’ll see you then!!