We all want gorgeous, long and healthy hair. Or at least that’s what I’d like to believe.
There are so many things holding us back. We have lives. We don’t have enough time. We are rushing around like mad people. We are just always on the go. Self care and self love has never been more important. Don’t let those moments for yourself, be swept under the rug.
We need to find that balance. The focus. The time. Don’t you remember that on the airplane they said in case of an emergency to place your own oxygen mask on before helping someone else. Well that’s REAL EVERY DAY LIFE.
How can you be someone amazing for someone else, when you can’t be who you need to be first? It’s okay to take time for yourself. Tell yourself that. You have the right to do so. It’s not selfish. It’s being the best you, you can ever be. When you’re the best version of yourself, you can easily be the best version of yourself for someone else.
Now how does this apply to gorgeous, long and healthy hair. Well that’s your crown and glory. Take the time to care for your hair is a huge part of self care. Most of us do our hair every single day. This is part of your daily ritual.
Since your already doing your hair on a daily, use the healthiest products with natural ingredients to care for your hair. Not only is this about your hair but this will affect yourself as a whole person. Your appearance is the first impression you’ll make to someone. It’s just a fact.
Let me share a story with you. So I started using a new email marketing service called Klaviyo (which I absolutely love by the way) which perfectly integrates with our e-commerce platform, Big Commerce. I decided to start a campaign where I would send an email to clients who haven’t ordered with us in over 2 years and more. My email to them was: “$25 for absolutely free! Email me back to find out how.” We had a ton of emails back from clients we hadn’t seen in years. It was very cool. I was definitely happy. But you know what I was the most happy about? Let me tell you.
Not only one but a handful of clients emailed back with not only yes I’d love to have $25 but clients that sent us heartfelt emails about just how much they needed this. That they had been down and out of work, in between jobs and just didn’t have the extra money to spend on these basic self-care products. That what we did for them meant the world to them. Now they would be able to get themselves looking really nice and ready for those job interviews.
I can tell you, I was completely blown away and absolutely not expecting that. I was near tears just thinking that my intention for this marketing email was really just to get them to start shopping with us again but what happened was more then that. Clients came back thanking us for this gift. Now they would be able to purchase products they needed to color their hair, moisturize and style their hair. They felt completely empowered.
You see, we live a fast pace life and sometimes we forget to look around us. My focus was getting more business back to our brand but in fact I was able to help people who really needed a break in life. To me, that means everything. It made me realize that if I could just reach people who really needed these products to make a difference in their lives like this, then I know I’m on the right track and living my purpose.
This is all I need and this is why I do what I do. I love everything about how my brand has helped me become the person I am today. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Would you?