A quick update on the status of the following products.
Indigo for Hair
- Reminder: Orders taken online are for pre-order only. Please make sure you understand the terms of pre-ordering. This means that if you order Indigo for Hair at this time, and have placed an order since the beginning of March until now, that you are agreeing to pre-ordering and waiting until the week of March 31th (date change, due to shipment delay) to have your order be shipped out to you
- Pre-orders of Indigo for Hair will not ship out until the week of March 31, 2014 (date change, due to shipment delay)
- Pre-orders will not be partially shipped. Only the complete order will ship once Indigo for Hair is back in stock
- Your pre-order will be placed into “Awaiting Shipment”
Red Raj, Organic Rajasthani Indian henna, and other Indian herbs
- These are all due in stock in 5-7 days (maybe even by the end of this week)
- Currently in customs and FDA review as of today
- This was a rush order, but customs delayed this shipment in both India and USA
- These products are not available for pre-order
- For updates we prefer you check online for availability, Facebook Fan Page, Henna Blog Spot, and join our mailing list. This is much easier for us to manage then emails or phone calls about these products
Thank you for your understanding!
Please notify me when the Red Raj is available.
Thank you