
Not all henna powders are created equally. There are blends, henna hair colors, hair quality and even fake henna. It honestly makes it near impossible to choose what might work best for you. We do believe there will be some trial and error in the whole process but it shouldn’t be so complicated.

Henna Blends

This is found often times in your local Indian or Middle Eastern store. Sometimes even online. A henna blend would be where the henna is in the ingredients listed but there may be several other herbs in this mix. Blends are not ideal for coloring because they dilute the main ingredient that produce the color which is the henna powder.

A lot of blends are also sitting on the shelves for more then a year or so at a time typically. So they aren’t typically very fresh. Freshness is important similarly to you cooking with fresh herbs. You also get better results.

Henna Hair Colors

The most confusing and misleading product in the henna marketplace. Henna is being sold as colors when in fact henna is not a range of colors. Henna is a plant that produces only a reddish tinted dye/stain. A plant naturally does not make two colors. There are no types of hennas. Henna is a single plant of it’s kind.

Basically a henna hair color box is a blend of many coloring herbs including henna to create boxed hair dye that sometimes contains even PPD (chemical), compound henna and metallic salts.

Henna hair colors also give a false sense of the color results that you’ll receive from using a henna hair color because most will relate to it like they would chemical hair color.

Hair Quality Henna

Found on many shelves for lower prices would be the hair quality henna powder. It’s still pure henna but it is not finely sifted, has a lower dye content nor is it usually very fresh. When henna is not finely sifted all the twigs and bits get into your hair making it so much harder for you to wash out. Can you imagine your hair with little twigs left in it that just wouldn’t come out? Who wants to wash their hair 2-3 times more just to get everything out?

A hair quality henna powder being that it’s not fresh nor high in dye content, usually won’t have the dyeing power needed to color the hair effectively and especially grey hairs.

By the time you finish with this type of quality of henna, was saving a few dollars really worth it?

Fake Henna

I’ve heard of this in more recent years. It’s actually a little funny to me. Just hearing the words fake henna. Like what does that even mean? Can there really be a fake type of henna? I ended up figuring out what people really meant.

The fake henna most are talking about is between the two Jamila henna powders. Abid and Co. is a company in Pakistan that have been supplying henna powder amongst the masses for years now. They are the creators of the Jamila brand (so this does not belong to the Henna Sooq brand but is carried by us) do make available two qualities of Jamila. One is the body art quality (marked with summer crop on bottom of box and super sift) and then there is the hair quality (please refer to the above).

I believe that people think the Jamila henna for hair quality is fake because they are comparing it to the higher quality Jamila as being the real henna that is more popularly used. The Jamila for hair is also packaged slightly differently (package is a shade different and sometimes the box is smaller) and there is no foil packaging for this henna. I admit if you didn’t really know it would seem that people would be trying to pass off this Jamila (hair quality) off for the superior Jamila henna powder.
It doesn’t make it fake but it is it’s own quality of Jamila henna and they are in fact both made by Abid and Co.

What makes Henna Sooq unique is that our focus is giving our clients 100% pure, raw henna powder and ingredients to get the best possible results. It would be extremely easy to carry “henna hair colors” in a box and just sell that to the masses but no we’re not about that.

We want our clients to be well informed about every single ingredient that goes into their natural regimen because we believe in a healthier lifestyle.

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