
Indian Curry Meal Banquet

Let’s head to Royal Taj for a henna meetup. Royal Taj has the best Indian food around town.

Date: December 14, 2013 at 5 pm

Location: 8874 McGaw Rd, Columbia, MD 21045

Hosted by Khadija of Henna Sooq.

profile photo by lee corkett henna intensive 2013 sm sz
Hang out with some of the most amazing henna artists, and henna heads.

Bring some skin or an art piece (candle, wood box etc..) to henna, an appetite, and ready to laugh and have a good time.

Surprise gift from Henna Sooq. Henna paste cones included in meetup.

Attendee is responsible for the cost of their meal.
This is an adult event only

RSVP is required: RVSP NOW

Henna bridal party with glitter