Our Natural Hair Care Contest has now begun!
We are expecting a high volume of entries. We’ll be giving away weekly prizes, and 1 grand prize on January 29, 2010. This contest is open to anyone that is following a natural hair care regimen. All ages are welcomed. This contest runs worldwide.
Every Friday at midnight, starting on November 27, 2009, we will choose one of our many entries as our winner. They will receive 100 grams of their choice of henna powder, indigo, or cassia obovata, or amla hair oil.
The Grand Prize will be given to one person at the close of our contest on January 29, 2010. The Grand Prize will be: 300 grams of your choice of herbal hair care powders, a choice of ANY 1 hair oil, and a choice of any 1 shampoo bar (value: $50.00).
In order to enter our contest you must:
- Submit your natural hair care regimen, recipe, and pictures and/or video (links too are welcome) to hennasooq@gmail.com with the subject heading Natural Hair Care Giveaway.
- Recipe, and regimen must be well written (please check spelling), and be a condensed version. We reserve the right to edit the entry to ensure it is legible.
- A picture(s) and/or video must be submitted with your entry.
- If you cover your hair for religious reasons, you can still enter the contest, but a picture or video must still be submitted, without having to expose what is covered.
- All hair types are eligible
- The pictures and/or video MUST be clear, and of good quality. It has to be able to be viewed by others, as every submission will be posted on our blog. You can hide your face if desired.
- Only one entry per person.
- All ages are welcomed. You can enter on behalf of someone else, and for minors (they must be your child or family member).
- You must be using a natural hair care product such as henna powder, and herbs for hair, or shampoo bars. It must be 100% pure henna and/or herbs. It can be one product or several products, and can even be a product you used to use, even if you don’t presently use it anymore. It could have been a one time use, or several uses.
- We want to here your success story, or non-success story when you used henna and natural herbs, or shampoo bars.
- We prefer if the source/company of the product not be mentionned in the entry. Brand names are fine, as long as they are clearly owned, and solely produced by that company (such as Jamila henna, etc…)
- Every Friday at midnight, beginning on November 27th through to January 8th, one winner will be chosen, and will receive their prize via mail. You must submit your full name, and mailing address, should you be chosen as a winner.
- After submitting your entry, your work will be submitted online, on our blog, for everyone to view. Your first name (only), and area in which you live will be placed alongside your entry.
- The entry submitted will be used strictly for this contest only, and will not be allowed or used for commercial purposes.
- We reserve the right to change/update the rules and regulations of this contest at any time. We also reserve the right to refuse entries.
- By taking part in this contest, you will be agreeing to all the terms, and regulations listed here.
Wishing everyone all the best in the contest! Let the games begin!
Beautiful idea.Like they say in french:Que le meilleur gagne!!!!!
Oui, merci! Que le meilleur gagne!
How should we credit others? Let’s that you use that recipe you read about, but you made additions or took some things out. Same thing for a technique that you use that you read about.
I hope to enter the contest if I can get a good photo of my hair.
Can you give me an example as to what you mean by credit? Like let’s say another person (non-company) has tips or recipes that you used, you mean? Yes you can put your recipe up even with the changes, as it becomes your way, once you’ve done those changes. You can credit a person if you’d like, if they’d guided you or helped you in that process. 🙂 Hope you enter too!! Get that picture taken.
Example: Henna gloss was from a member of a hair board but I changed it a little.
Example of technique: T-shirt drying method I got from another member of a different hair board
Sure absolutely, you can use that. If you want to mention the person’s name you can. 🙂
Does the entire recipe have to be natural?
Since you only enter once can you include multiple regimens in one entry? If so, is there a limit to number of natural regimen that you can include?
It doesn’t have to be the entire recipe. It can be at least 1 product and the rest of the regimen can be whatever else you like to use. There is NO limit on natural hair regimens that you can enter, and yes you can only enter this contest once.
I started using henna after I decided to use more natural things for my hair. Could I post a picture before I started using henna and one after? And is there a limit on the number of pictures?
HI Caitlin, no there is no limit. You can just email us at hennasooq@gmail.com to enter your pictures and natural hair regimen/recipe.
Thanks! Can’t wait
Are the prize winners picked randomly, or are they “judge’s favorites”? And will the Grand Prize be chosen from one of the previous weekly winners, or could it be someone who has never won before?
Thanks! The contests are fun!
So glad you like the contests. The winners for the Natural Hair Care Contest are chosen randomly as everyone has such gorgeous hair, and they all deserve a chance to win equally. The Grand Prize will be chosen from all the entries overall that were received.