Hey everyone! I hope you’re all well
I’m going to be starting a series on Mom to Mom where once in awhile us Moms are just gonna blog and chat.
Myself, I’m a mother of 6 children. My oldest is 14, and my youngest is 5. So it can be pretty crazy over here 🙂
I want to talk about sport activities. I, 100% support sports activities for your kids to take part in, and to try a variety of sports. Life is short, let them have fun trying new and different things. Not every child is gonna be a sporty type of child, but that’s ok. Just encourage them to try different sports, and find out which type of sports suit them. Ask yourself, are they more of an individual sports, or team sport type of kid?
Kids need to be active. Sports, and extra curricular activities teach them life skills, and keep them healthy. What they learn now, will pay off in the future making them healthier, and well rounded adults.
There is one sport that I really do want to make a HUGE recommendation for that we as a family absolutely love (and trust me, there are many others). If I had to choose 1 sport for my ids to be in, or at least our boys, it would be wrestling. Oh yes, wrestling!
I just love wrestling (and our boys do too!). It’s a perfect balance between team, and individual sports. It’s fun, great conditioning, and we’ve made such great relationships with the parents, and coaches. The kids have gotten really close to each other, and it’s such a diverse age range on our team. This teaches the older kids to be mentors to the younger ones.
Wrestling is the perfect sport to be doing especially for in between the football season. The kids build better and more agile feet movement, conditioning, stronger upper body (perfect for tackling, and getting really low), and brings out the lion in those kids! Some will find that wrestling is also a safer sport, less chances of injuries (but there can be some such as scrapes, bruises etc…).
So today I just want to give a shout out to wrestling, as it seems not to be one of the top sports parents choose or suggest to their kids, and it really needs to be given a shot. You and your kids will love it!
I also want to thank Howard County Vipers for their great wrestling program. Thank you Jamal (hubby) for this amazing video he made of the boys.
What sports are you and your kids enjoying?
Watch wrestling in action!