
This one was given to us on time, yesterday, but we didn’t have a chance to post it up right away. Thank you Michelle for entering the contest!!!

The contest is now closed and within 1 week we’ll announce the Grand Prize winner, who will get $70.00 worth of Henna Sooq products!!! That’s a lot of goodies.

Michelle S’s Natural Hair Journey

My hair is cared for using strictly Organic and Natural haircare products. In my quest to avoid haircare products containing an array of toxic substances, I stumbled upon the Henna Sooq and have never looked back. My present Natural/Organic regimen has produced some amazing results. In terms of texture and appearance, my hair is now very noticeably healthy.

My favorite henna crop is Rajasthani  which produces a very lovely tone especially when out in the sun.  My natural hair color is more of a very dark brown so this works perfect without being too vibrant.

For simple cleansing and conditioning I use the following: Miessence’s Desert Flower Shampoo, Hennasooq’s Argan Oil Shampoo Bar and Miessence’s Shine Herbal Hair Conditioner.

And whenever I feel the need for extra conditioning I reach for a simple tea rinse using either Chamomile or Rosemary. I brew these and just pour over my hair.  Both are known to promote shine and overall healthy hair. Now and then I also apply a Henna Gloss using Henna and Amla Powder mixed with my Organic Hair Conditioner. This concoction conditions and also deposits a bit of color to my hair.

On days when my hair feels heavy, I use a simple Apple Cider Vinegar rinse or the Miessence Clarifying Hair rinse. They both produce amazing results!

My hair is naturally wavy and doesn’t require much styling hence I get away with using just oils such as Argan, Jojoba or even Coconut. Choosing an all Natural/Organic regimen is the only way to go for gorgeous healthy hair.