Our Friday, November 27th winner will be annouced later on today!!
Here is our latest submission for last week’s entries.
Lexi’s Story:
I began using henna on my hair in August of 2009. I was getting bored with my slowly graying hair and wanted a change. However, I didn’t want to damage my fine, thin, slightly dry hair. I took the plunge and chose henna.
I mix my henna simply with enough warm hibiscus tea to make it a smooth, slightly thin consistency. After dye release, I put the henna on freshly washed, damp hair for 4-6 hours.
These pictures show my natural color and that after my 4th henna application.
The condition of my hair has improved dramatically since using henna. It rarely tangles and has glorious shine. I also use coconut oil as a deep conditioning pre-wash treatment monthly.
After 4th henna application
wow.. thats amazing. i put henna on my hair.. but it goes dark redish browish.. NOT RED!! how did u do it?
I am not sure which henna powder Lexi uses but for the reddest results, I’d really recommend yemeni henna powder. It’s got a lot of red in it! When you make sure it’s pure henna and fresh you can get better results too!
I love it. But I am afraid of using chemicals or whatever in my hair due to its continuous thinning. But I really wish to have my hair dyed!
If you choose natural henna and herbs this would be a much better option then chemical treatments. This would also help to thicken your hair, and help it backs on its way to growing richer, and beautiful!
I belong to a natural hair forum and many of the ladies, including myself, are interested in verifying whether henna penetrates the hair shaft. Also, if there is any resource you know of to reference so everyone in their own time can go to it and read the details for themselves, it would be extremely helpful. Some places we look says henna penetrates the hair shaft and others say it does not. So, it is a little confusing.
As always, thank you so much for being so helpful.
Thank you for your post Joan. Unfortunately this shows us that there is a need for education and training in natural hair care. I hope one day that there will be more scientific, and classes teaching and training those in the field of natural hair care, to the same degree that they have for chemical hair care, and hair cutting etc…
I have not as yet found a reference or resource that sites the answer to your question that I know as reliable. From what I have learned, and from my own experience, is that henna coats the hair strand, and binds to the keratin.
Should I have the opportunity to learn more about this in detail,and I will be seeking this out, I will be sure to post it up since it looks like it is well needed information.
I hope this helps somewhat.
If you would like to hide grey more use it on DRY hair as it doesnt take as well on wet hair, also use lemon or apple cider vinegar instead of tea as it activates it more.
🙂 I hope it helps, also if you want more red add some paprika powder that you can buy from the supermarket that people use in curries or cinnamon powder that you can get from shops as well 🙂
I have been using Keratin Complex to revive my damaged hair for over two years now and would suggest it to everyone. My hair can lose its life from bleaching and hot tools but Keratin Complex has always brought my hair back to life. Let me know if you try it out! xoxo,Claire
Thank you Claire!