I just found out, literally minutes ago. I wasn’t even sure nor did I want to believe it but vlogger and blogger Dawnyele has passed away due to postpartum complications on October 19, 2012. Her baby boy was saved but is in ICU. She leaves behind her two sons, and her husband. She was only 33 years old.
This was her last video.
She has always been a great support and educator of natural hair care, and also of Henna Sooq. I had the pleasure of knowing her through this, and she was absolutely a genuine, and such an amazing woman!
Here is one of her videos she did of Henna Sooq products in 2011.
If you’d like to help her family, as they could really use your support in any way you can, please do so here: For Dawnyele
Every single one of our clients is family to us. We promise to be there for you, as you are for us.
As salam aleykoum I’m not very good in english so I’ll write in french. Si une femme enceinte meurt avant, pendant ou après la délivrance et dans ses couches, on peut la considérer comme une martyre, s’il plaît à Allah. Cela est fondé sur ce qui a été rapporté par Rashid ibn Habish selon lequel le Messager d’Allah (bénédiction et salut soient sur lui) se rendit au chevet d’Ubada Ibn Samit au cours de sa maladie et dit : « Savez-vous qui est martyr dans ma communauté ? Les gens ne dirent pas mot… Puis Ubada dit : soulevez-moi. Et ils le soulevèrent et il dit : ô Messager d’Allah, c’est celui qui demeure patient pour complaire à Allah… Le Messager d’Allah (bénédiction et salut soient sur lui) dit : « Les martyrs de ma communauté seraient alors peu nombreux : être tué pour la cause d’Allah, le Puissant et Majestueux confère le caractère de martyr, le décès causé par la peste confère le caractère de martyr, la noyade le confère ainsi que la mort provoquée par un mal de ventre. De même, celle qui décède pendant l’accouchement traînera son nouveau-né par le cordon ombilical vers le paradis ». Le terme sarar signifie le cordon ombilical coupé par l’accoucheuse. Ce hadith est cité par l’imam Ahmad dans son Mousnad grâce à une chaîne sûre. Al-Mousnad, 3/489. Il est corroboré par un hadith cité par Malick, 1/233 et Abou Dawoud, 3/482).
Qu’Allah soubhanahou wa ta’ala lui accorde le paradis et facilite la vie de son mari et enfants
This can not be true. Please tell us this is not true.
My father was in town visiting from Los Angeles, he flew in on October 17th, his birthday was October 19th. While he was visiting, I did not get online much at all. Just today I was visiting your site and found out this news. I am in utter shock and disbelief about the news of Dawnyell’s passing.
I know that I am not to question God. He indeed knows best. My prayers are going up for Dawnyell and her family. This is all very hard to comprehend at the present moment.
I know Dawnyell’s husband is going need all the support he can get now and through the holidays. Little Zaylen and his big brother just went on my Christmas shopping list.
Janet, when I read it, it was actually on facebook and I had to search around to see if it was the same Dawnyele I know. I could not, could not, believe it was her. I was like NO, NO, NO. She’s just one of those vloggers who’s real. A real genuine person with so much positivity. Such a giver, and did 175 videos to share with all of us. She’ll be so missed.
Sorry not on facebook I meant it was on youtube. I was just looking at the new videos and saw someone talking about her.
I totally agree with you Khadija about this entire situation. I feel like you and Dawnyele are my family. I just want to take this opportunity to let you know how blessed I am to have you in my life. You have been such a help to me with your advice and your #1 top quality hair products. I mean that with all sincerity.
This was awful news for me to hear because Dawnyele was my very favorite YouTuber, we have the same hair type 🙂 I am so grateful however that I received the news from your blog. You Khadija, like Dawnyele, are like family to me. Thank you for all that you do! Blessings to you and your family!
Janet, I don’t even know what to say. Thank you so much!!