
We’re going to have FUN tomorrow for Happy Henna Friday!

Tomorrow, September 23, 2011 we’re going to have 3  time slots that will last 1.5 hours each (1 hour and 30 minutes) where we’ll be giving away free gifts, discounts, and promotions.

Now how can you figure out what these time slots are? We’re giving our blog followers, and fans a heads up with hints. Yes, you’ll have to figure out those time slots.

  • First time slot will be: “It’s time to get your brand fix”. Tip: Google it
  • Second time slot will be: 5 X 5 + 2 – 12 divided by 5 – 2 equals: How much in picometres?
  • Third time slow will be: half past Khadija’s favorite number
One last hint is that all these time frames will be in the afternoon eastern time zone as we’d like to give other clients in other time zones an opportunity to take part.
How else can you find out more about these time slots, and when these promos will be going on? We absolutely recommend you follow us on our Facebook Fan Page. The latest is always posted there first.
So get ready for tomorrow! We’re giving you the heads up 🙂 Night!