
We’re very excited to announce the official return of our
Indigo for Hair

Our clients love this indigo for it’s coloring properties of rich browns to black raven tones and covers stubborn grey hairs perfectly and naturally!

Indian Asian Long Hair

What color tones will you get? 

  • reddish brown when using proportions of 75% henna and 25% indigo. This method is called a one step process.
  • brown tones when using proportions of 50% indigo and 50% henna. This method is called a one step process.
  • dark chocolate brown tones when using proportions of 75% indigo and 25% henna. This method is called a one step process.
  • Black Tones when you use henna first at 100%, and then second step of indigo at 100%. This method is called a two step process. 
  • Apply indigo with your henna application to get browner tones. This method is called a one step process.

Giveaway! Your chance to win 300 grams of our Indigo for Hair

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