
Hi everyone!

I am Indie Business’s Baltimore, MD Director. Indie Business is the best decision I have ever made as a business owner. The network really empowers you, supports you, and it’s everything we could have needed to run a successfully growing business. Please read more about: Indie Business’ Baltimore Director.

Why we joined? They constantly tell others about you, showcase your business and products, keep you focused, endless amount of information, tips, and access to professional advice. Plus they have an amazing products liability insurance, and don’t tell anyone, but we get discounts from supporting suppliers!

Starting at 6:30 pm, we’ll be at Potbelly in Silver Spring, right near the Metro! Located at 917 Ellsworth Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20910
People are already registering, please do so as well.

We’ll be having a general meetup, and yes, I’m sneaking in with a henna cone 🙂

It’s free, just buy your own food and drink. C’mon!! You know you wanna!

Get all the details and RSVP here:

I hope to see you there!