Here are some simple recipes for mixing your natural hair products. Please visit and as you will find a wealth of information, along with techniques and various recipes. You can even ask questions on their forum!
Please remember when using any new hair product it is always recommended that you do hair strand tests first!
We also encourage you to add orange blossom water, rose water or essential oils to your pastes and mud, to leave your hair smelling great!
Important: Please keep in mind that everyone has their own unique hair texture. Herbal treatments can be drying for some, and it is recommended that you add hair oil to your recipe, or deep condition your hair afterwards. We recommend that everyone keep an open mind when using henna and natural herbs on their hair, and use the recipe that works best for you!
Ghassoul (Rhassoul) from Morocco.
Mixing ghassoul for healthy hair and skin:
-Place ghassoul into bowl and put warm to hot water over it. Allow to sit for 5 minutes.
-Mix ghassoul to make a muddy paste.
-Apply ghassoul to hair by sections starting from the back and moving forward.
-For dry hair, let sit for 5-10 minutes
-For normal hair, let sit 5-15 minutes
-For oily hair, let sit 10-20 minutes
-Rinse well.
-For your face or body, mix ghassoul mud as directed and rub into skin. Rinse well.
-For scent you can add rose water, orange blossom water or your choice of essential oils, when preparing your ghassoul mud.
How to store your clay: fridge or cool dark place.
How to store your mud: fridge for up to one week.
I think that clay GHASSOUL of which comes from Morocco is a good remedy against many problems of skin and hair. I discovered this book during a visit to a hammam for women in the Moroccan city Fez. And since I was seduced by this clay. I currently use the GHASSOUL mask to my face or poultice for my whole body body, it softens the skin, reduces sebum secretion, regenerates the skin by eliminating dead cells and balance by tightening its pores. Advised for sensitive skin and allergies, the GHASSOUL perfectly cleans the skin and removes all impurities, especially black spots. It is a task that will cost money, which will be of great value. I really GHASSOUL comes directly from Morocco.
Please help me with some face mask recipes using ghassoul.
I will also appreciate it if you can also share a recipe for hair mask.
Thank you
Hi , thanks for the advice. I am a little confused since in the hamam they warn you not to put the ghassoul on your face. But on the internet I see many people using it as a facial mask.
Another thing that I am trying to find out is: how much grams of ghassoul do you generally use for a body mask and how much for a hair mask. I am gonna buy lots for a girls party and have to calculate how much kg I have to buy. Thanks alot!!
Thanks for your comments Kiki!
Did they ever explain as to why they don’t recommend using the rhassoul on your face? We really love it and always get compliments about it.
For a hair mask this really depends on how much hair you have. Like at least 100 grams for shoulder length hair because the mud is thicker too, at times you would need more then a regular henna application.
For a facial mask I’d say only about 10-15 grams.
I was thinking of having a spa party for my little girl and her friends actually too!! But I don’ think I have enough items for it and might hire in someone to come in and help me with that, so I don’t have to do all the work.
Where can we buy Ghasoul?
Vida, you can buy ghassoul at under shop. Just click the appropriate flag for your country to access that store.
Applying ghassoul to my scalp is very difficult, and generally my hair still feels heavy afterwards, as though it was still oily. That’s why I always use ghassoul on my face, and I have been thrilled with the results. In fact, I used to have rosacea, but thanks to a regular regimen of ghassoul and other natural herbal products (amla, tulsi, neem) I now have the situation under control.
Does anyone with oily hair use ghassoul? If so, I would be grateful for some advice.
Thanks for your comment Denise
Did you use powdered ghassoul or the clay pieces of ghassoul?
This is what is traditionally used to cleanse the hair in Morocco, and it is usually used directly in the shower and washed out just like you would do a shampoo’ing.
Enjoy this maks, they are all used by myself with great benefits
Face mask with ghassoul
4 table spoons of Ghassoul clay.
10 Cl of mineral water.
1 coffee spoon of argan oil.
1 or 2 tablespoons of youghurt
Mix the ingredients, apply on the face, and the neck. and let it act approximately 1 hour, then rinse with with tepid water
Masks with the rhassoul for dry skin
Mix 4 tablespoons of rhassoul
with 2tablespoons of argan oil,
the pulp of an avocado
and some drops of rose water.
Mix 4 tablespoons of rhassoul,
1 table spoon of honey, 1 lemon juice c.à.s, bind them with a little d’ so necessary water jusqu’ with d’ obtaining; a soft and homogeneous paste. Let rest 15 minutes then rinse with l’ tepid water. Your skin will be clear and bright. Gumming with the rassoul To mix a little sound of corn or flakes d’ oats. To mix with powder of rhassoul. To apply in light massage to the wet face. One can also wet the mixture, l’ to apply to the skin and to await qu’ it dries before massing to exhaust the whole. For the body, it better is to replace cereals by coarse sugar.
Argan to strengthen nails
– 1 tablespoon lemon juice (or a few drops of lemon essential oil)
– 1 tablespoon Argan oil
Mix thoroughly wash hands, soaking the nails in the mixture of lemon juice and argan oil in equal parts, about 15 minutes at least once a week.
If your nails are brittle, repeat the process daily. You can reuse your preparation by keeping it in a clean flask and dry for a week.
Mask for swolen eyes
– 1 tablespoon Argan oil
– 1 tablespoon green Tea powder
– 1 tablespoon of grounded dried roses
– 1 tablespoon Rose water (or mineral water)
Mix and apply on your closed eyelids with Pads.
I live in Morocco and discovered ghassoul a few years back. At first I used it as an occasional hair mask, but now use it instead of store-bought shampoos as it makes my hair shiny and healthy. When in the States I tend to have to wash my hair at least every other day as my hair is so oily. When I eventually go back to the U.S. I’m going to fill an entire suitcase with ghassoul!
Thanks for your post Katie
That will be one heavy suitcase!! lol! 🙂 Where in the USA would you be moving back to, when the time comes? Where in Morocco are you now?
I just finished reading about this rhassoul clay how it works wonders on your skin. It claims to detox your skin and leave it feeling and looking smooth. I am very interesting in ordering some of this clay. But, there’s a problem; I don’t know which one to order. 1) Natural Rhassoul/Ghassoul 2) Ghassoul Intense cleansing 3) Ghassoul Black Seed Mud 4) Ghassoul Lavender Mud or 5) Herbal Rhassoul/Ghassoul. Why so many? I want to use it for my face and maybe my body? Do they all detox and cleanse your skin? Do you have to mix other ingredients with them? What happens if you don’t mix any other ingredients? Can I use my moisturizer and other creams after I’ve used the mask? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
There are different recipes because people have different tastes and needs. Some like lavender, some don’t. Some want acne treatment and others don’t etc…
You could use the herbal ghassoul plain if you’d like so that you can mix it yourself and get all the herbal benefits as well.
This would also be the most cost effective for you.
You can mix your own personal blend with the clay pieces any way you’d like. You need at least hot water to make it turn into a mud.
Yes you can moisturize afterwards.
I’ve just received my Herbal Rhassoul henna. I wanted to know how often can I use it, and should I, or could I, mix anything else with it since it seems to be already mixed? How long do I let it stay on my face? I will appreciate your help.
Hi Penny
You can actually use it every day if you’d like as it safe to do so, and doesn’t strip the oils from your skin as harsh as other products can be. You can let it sit about 5- 10 mins on your face, until it is dry and wash it off with warm water.
I would like to purchase the Rhassoul for my hair. How often can I use it and can I mix oils with it? Also, is this like a deep conditioner?
Thank you for your post Felecia
The rhassoul can be used every 1-2 weeks, as desired. It doesn’t strip away naturally oils so it isn’t harmful to use it more. It’s like a deep cleansing treatment, not really a moisturizing condition. Just really good for deep cleansing and afterwards you can use our argan oil which is amazing for your hair.
I’d like to use one of your face muds but don’t know which to pick. I’m 53 years old. I would like something that would make my skin supple, smooth firm.
Hi Juliet.
The rhassoul masks would be perfect for what you are looking for. Since you didn’t mention needed it for acne, or pimples, then you can choose between our lavender mud mask, or black seed. Or just use the natural clay pieces.
Hi there,
My sister told me about this site and I would like to know what products should I purchase for my natural hair, I’m African American and I would like it to have a nice sheen and to grow.
Also for facial care as for as oils, my face tends to get dry around this time.
Thank you for your post Valerie
I’d recommend for facial oils use Camellia oil, and for a nice sheen you can use hair oils, but would you like to do an ayurvedic herbal hair treatment as that would give you long term results.
Hi, Recently tried Rhassoul clay for the first on a client. Shampooed hair 1st. Then made a mixture of 3tbsp clay, 3 1/2 tsp coconut oil, 2 tsp aloe vera oil, 1 tsp jojoba oil, 1 tsp dried basil, 1 tsp dried lavender. applied to hair. Put client under hair steamer without cap for 15 minutes. Her hair was very soft and lubricated. Does this formulation sound ridiculous. Did I use it in the wrong way.
Thanks for any and all feedback
Hello Tia
Was this rhassoul clay pieces or rhassoul powdered? No the formulation doesn’t sound bad at all. Was there something that gave you the impression that it went wrong? I don’t see anything that says something wrong happened. It’s a very nice recipe!
Hello,I was wondering if you sell the Rhassoul clay in the chips like what is shown on your website, or is it the powdered kind. If it is the chips style, does that mean that it is the most natural form of Rhassoul? Most of the Rhassoul I’ve seen out there is in a powdered form and I’d read that the powdered does not have as great a minerals as the chips style which is closest to what is mined. I’m very interested in the style like in your photos. Thank you.
Hi Mimi, thanks for posting. The rhassoul clay is like as pictured online at Henna Sooq and on this blog post. We’re getting in organic rhassoul powder soon from Morocco as we await the order. They are both natural forms, just one is ground into a powder form. I like the chips personally more as it’s less processing going on with it, and I find it better and smoother especially for the face and skin. It’s like a true mud. I hope this helps!
I heard of the existence of ghassoul and black soap just two weeks ago when reading a book by Tahar Ben Jelloun :). Today, it happened to pass beside an islamic shop in Manchester and I saw a box with ghassoul so I said, that’s it, let’s buy and see how it is! I also found the black soap and I bought them both. I didn’t really use the soap well, I mean I just spread it directly with the glove as I didn’t have any clear indications. I feel my skin now quite cleaner but somehow dry. Do you have any suggestions? 🙂 Do you know as well any creams I could use? I guess here the water is very strange and it dries my skin! Thank you!
Thanks for your post Yasmine. Usually with rhassoul it shouldn’t be stripping but if you use the right rhassoul powder or clay pieces and it’s still dry, it’s okay to use a light cream that is for your skin type. Our Organic Camellia oil is what most of our clients use on their face. Water is different countries are always different. If interesting how that is, even between USA and Canada, as I’ve lived in both places. My skin is always better in Canada. I think it has to do with the food I eat as well, personally.
hi henna sooq 🙂
i’m on the long hair forum with you.
i use bentonite mixed with aloe vera juice as a hair cleanser and face mask often and i’m thinking of finally ordering some rhassoul chunks. how does rhassoul compare with calcium bentonite? of course i have the powder of the bentonite. the only reason i haven’t tried rhassoul is that i hate to have to order things on the internet – but if it is really better (less drying?) i might have to try it. thanks for any ideas or info.
dianna (ratgirldjh)
Hi Dianna, how are you? I hope well.
It’s definitely not drying. Did you find bentonite to be drying? I haven’t had a chance to use it. Let me know. Speak soon!
Does using rhassoul regularly to clean hair strip the color or dull the shine in hennaed locks? Does it build up? What’s your experience?
hi … hope u can hlpe me with the following 1 if u guys supply a product whats needed for moroccan bath like the soil (if it is the same soil as ghassoul??)
2 rose water
3 massaging oil (olive extract)
on top of that pls let me know what product u have any product that i can use for Moroccan bath or hammama
thanks for u help
Thank you for your posts.
Patricia, rhassoul is like doing a mud mask treatment. If you’ve ever done a mask treatment for a facial then this would be similar to that. It just cleanses, and nourishes and there isn’t any build up. It’s very clarifying and cleansing. It’s heavier then henna since it’s a mineral rich mud.
Mimi, the rhassoul is commonly used for moroccan hammam use, for the bath to cleanse your skin. Unfortunately we don’t carry any of the other products.
Please visit our website at for our full product line. Thank you!
Hi, I would like to purchase some ghassoul shampoo can I use it as a regular shampoo??? Like 3 times a week? then a silicone free conditioner afterwards with argan oil???? will the oil make my hair greasy??? and can I use the shampoo on extensions and coloured (chemically coloured) hair??? thanks
Thank you for your post Coyla. We recommend our shampoo bars for daily cleansing:
When using rhassoul it is like a detoxifying, clarifying cleansing for your hair and can be done once a week. Yes you can use your condition and your argan oil afterwards. If the oil is right for your hair type you’ll be fine. Just make sure to use the products according to your hair type. I hope this helps.
I see, so I can only use rhassoul once a week. but I should get one of your daily cleansers for all the other times i wash my hair during the week.???
Are all these products safe to use on extensions? and chemically treated hair?
Coyla, we recommend using it once a week. It’s not necessary to use it more often unless that’s your preference. It’s not traditionally used more then that even in Morocco. If you’d like you can use one of our shampoo bars for daily washing or your own natural shampoo of your choice. Yes absolutely safe on all hair types and treatments.
can henna be used for itching rashes on body? i m suffering from itching for couple of months and doctors think it has to do with my hormones. i am 32 yrs old and single. i heard applying henna regulary for 3 minutes on body will help to sooth and help it? and if henna applied on face wot are the benefits of it? thanks in advance,
Thank you Shabb for your post.
Unfortunately we don’t recommend henna for skin ailments as that isn’t our speciality. We specialize in natural hair care and body art with henna. Sorry. We do have a really good oil called Organic Camellia which is excellent for itchy dry skin and would probably be an amazing choice:
But yes henna does have soothing, cooling properties but not sure if this would be helpful for what you’re experiencing. You could try a sample online to see for sure. Thank you!
I just came back to this page today to send it to a friend and saw your response from 2010! Two years later and I’m still in Morocco and now married! I live in Fes in the old medina. Still love to use ghassoul; I actually discovered castor oil (huile de ricin here) works great in my hair as it’s not very oily. I put it on my hair overnight, then the next day use the ghassoul to wash my hair. It’s great stuff!
Hi Katie.
Oh wow how exciting !!! I’ll have to visit you when we come to morocco. Is huile de ricin native to morocco?
I’m not sure; I just know that every little beauty shop, supermarket and traditional herb shops (like the Henna Souq in the Fes medina) all carry various oils for health and beauty routines. At the Coin du Henne (Henna Corner, a traditional shop in the medina), they’ll actually mix oils and extracts to your specification. My favorite for my hair is the rosemary/avocado/nigella seed/castor oil mix; it has a lovely smell and isn’t too heavy! (Also featured in the LP’s Fez guide).
If you come to Fes we definitely have to meet up! Marhaba! =)
Hi! i got real rhassoul from my friend in marocco.. i have acne, so im just wondering how often i should use it? 🙂 it is not powder.
love from sweden
You can use it Cleo, about every day if you’d like, as it’s very mild and gentle. Great cleansing. Some use it as a deep facial treatment once a week where you leave it on for at least 15 minutes.
Shakirah we carry rhassoul clay at directly from Morocco. 🙂