There are so many different henna powders, how do we choose the one that will work best for us?
There are a few things that are a must when choosing any henna powder:
–Fresh. You must always buy fresh henna powder. If you want a great stain, don’t just grab henna off the shelf (since who knows how long it may have been sitting there) Even from crop to crop you will notice that the freshest henna powder gives the best stain results. After all, doesn’t a chef use the freshest ingredients in the preparation of our meals?
–Body Art Quality. This means that the henna powder is the best quality since they take the leaves from the top of the plant with the most dye content. It also means that it is 100% pure and natural. This term is usually used to describe henna that is also used for body art.
(Please remember that not EVERY henna powder nor herb is body art quality. Ask yourself this: Is this henna powder or herb used as a body art product or really for hair usage? This term is sometimes only used for marketing purposes. Always be well informed.)
–Finely Sifted. None of that dirt, grit, sand, nor sticks help with getting a great staining henna paste. Even if you try to sift it yourself, you lose most of the henna powder you purchased.
–Pure. Must contain no pesticides or chemicals. No PPD nor any other powders or ingredients. Only get 100% pure henna powder.
Now that we have the basics down, now comes the individual henna powders.
Ultimately the highest dyeing henna powder on the market. For both henna for hair clients, and henna artists, by far the best choice of all henna powders for those wanting gorgeous red tones, grey coverage and long lasting henna body art tattoos. This organically certified henna powder is ready to use within 3-4 hours.
Khadija’s personal favorite: Supreme Blend Henna Powder
This henna powder blend was created by Khadija herself bringing the best henna powders together for a creamy, smooth, yet flowy henna paste. She uses this henna powder on all of her clients. We love this powder especially for body art temporary henna tattoos. Can be used on hair as well. Dye release is only 3-4 hours.
Jamila Henna Powder Jamila henna powder yields great stains results and comes conveniently packaged in 100 grams foil packages in sealed boxes (when it is stamped with summer crop for body art usage, and is also used for hair). As of more recently dye release is only 8-12 hours for body art tattoos, and 3-4 hours for use on hair, before ready to use. It is a reliable henna powder, but not great if you need henna quick. It has the ultimate best sift of ANY henna powder. It is very popular amonst professional henna artists, and for hair dyeing. It washes out of the hair very easily, and the texture pf the paste is similar to melted chocolate. It yields deep reddish-brown tones for body art and for hair orange-red tones. This henna comes from Pakistan.
Please read our more detailed article on Jamila henna powder.
Organic Rajasthani Indian Henna Powder
In ever increasing popularity, the organic indian henna powder from the Rajasthani Region, is very well balanced. You get dye release in 8-12 hours for body art. So you can start a batch in the morning and have it ready by the evening. The stains results are some of the darkest I have ever seen. Typically reddish tones (burgundy/mahogany) and sometimes near cherry black on skin. For hair it yields a reddish-burgundy tone. For hair usage, this powder we recommend you allow it to sit from 3-4 hours, and then apply onto your hair. It is triple sifted and through nylon cloth. On lighter hair it may come out more orange-copper toned.
Yemeni Henna Powder
Note: Sadly this has been out of stock for quite some time due to political issues within Yemen. Our yemeni henna powder comes from the Sana’a region. It takes 8-12 hours to achieve dye release for body art. For hair, we recommend you allow this henna powder to sit from 3-4 hours before applying it. It is well known for being one of the stringy hennas. This henna powder is now much better sifted (since the 2009 crop), since the company has upgraded its henna processing facilities. Now many more henna artists are using this henna powder. It is absolutely one of the most popular henna powders for hair dyeing, and covers grey very well. It gives the most gorgeous, deep red tones of any other henna powder currently.
A very popular henna powder for both body art and hair, this henna is found in the Western Sahara. It has the quickest dye release. It is best to let this henna sit at least 2-6 hours for body art. For hair usage, only allow to sit for a maximum of 1 to 2 hours and then apply it. The dye can demise quickly if left out too long. It’s not a good henna to freeze as a henna paste. It is also a stringy henna. It has great color, usually very bright and becomes quite dark suddenly (on skin). We usually recommend this henna powder for achieving brown to black tones along with indigo, when used in hair dyeing because the least amount of red tones will show through on your hair. We recommend it because it has a fast dye release, and alone on hair it gives orange to red tones.
We do hope that this guide has been helpful to you, please let us know if you have any concerns or further questions by contacting us directly at Please shop with us online at : Henna Sooq
I have been researching using henna coloring. I have dark brown hair with some gray- I am hoping to achieve a “cherry cola” type color- dark reddish brown I guess. I was wondering if mixing two different types of henna would work- and what would you suggest?
We would really recommend our Red Raj for that tone 🙂
Hello Khadija,
I have medium brown hair and blonde highlights naturally, but I used a chemical spray to lighten my hair over the summer and it has since grown out. I am interested in using henna to cover this unnatural blonde, but am nervous that it would make my hair too red, and that using indigo might make it too dark. What are your thoughts?
Thank you in advance! Your site is very informative.
For medium brown you can just use 60% indigo and 40% henna. This should be perfect and sometimes may need an extra application on the lighter areas to “catch up” with the natural hair tone you have.
Hi Khadijah, which class of the hennas described would the Red Raj fall into? The Rajasthani henna? I just did my first Jamila treatment last night (have only used Red Raj) and definitely noticed a more copper tone 🙂
Red Raj is an indian henna powder. So yes it’s a Rajasthani Indian henna but of a very high dye content level over the other one we carry.
My hair is about shoulder length. My ends are dark brown/black from dying with henna and indigo. I want to change my color to cherry cola. My roots are coming in at about 60% gray. If I want to achieve a cherry cola color on my roots and get my ends to match which henna would you recommend?
Thanks 🙂
Hello Gina. Using our Organic Rajasthani Indian henna, and with a few applications to deepen the color as well. Just be consistent with applications.
Hey everyone! I would like to achieve the colour of the first picture while my hair has the colour of the second. Before I ‘henna’ I will darken my ends.I am a newbie to using henna so I have this question: which henna should I use to get the desired hair colour and which recipe would be best for me? Thanks a lot 🙂
Our Moroccan henna currently as the best dye content but once our Red Raj is back in stock that would be your first choice.
I am black and I my hair is black but I want that bright red that is obvious. What henna is the best for that and do I have to bleach before?
Our Red Raj would be your best choice and would take at least 2-3 applications or so to get a nice developed deep red.
Hi, I would like to know wich of your henna for the hair have the more deep red (less orange)..In the henna description you said the Yemeni one is the deeper but you also answer to Quentin Nelson to use the red raj for a deep red(?), so I don’t get wich one to use! Thank you!
I Would Like To Achieve A copper Brown, But I Have Really Dark Hair. I’m AlsoTransitioning….Any Suggestions? (Sorry For All The Caps, My Phone Is Strange…)
Thank you for your message on our blog. You won’t necessarily be able to go lighter since these aren’t chemical treatments but you can achieve copper tones by using moroccan henna powder. This would be a good start.
You can start Quentin by trying to with our Red Raj and if it’s not red enough though as it will take time too, at least 4-5 applications to deepen, then you might have to lighten beforehand.
Hi, my natural hair is a golden light brown + a few gray hairs, what would be the best henna for me.
Good day Lynette. Thank you for your message on our blog. This really depends on what color you’re trying to achieve. Please let us know.
Hello! I am black and would like to use henna on my hair. My hair is black with plenty of gray. I would like my hair to be either near black or a very deep deep red. What would be the best method to achieve this. Thank you so much for your input.
I currently chemically dye my hair a ginger orangey red (im a natural dishwater blonde) but want to start being kinder to it with natural dyes.
I like the colour of my chemical hair dye, but just want to use henna so I can get my hair in better condition.
Please can you tell me if it is possible to use henna over my current chemical colour, and if so, which should I buy to achieve the colour I am looking to maintain?
Here is a picture of the colour I want:
its pretty much the colour I have when I first dye it chemically (fades quickly)
looking forward to hearing back,
Thanks so much for all your help
Hello Harriett! Thank you for your message.
I’d recommend a combination of our moroccan henna and organic cassia obovata at 50% of each to maintain that color tone naturally. You’ll love it!!
Hi, this is my first time trying henna and I’m a little lost lol. I have medium/dark hair with natural red highlights. I also had my hair colored about 8 months ago..ombre, so the ends are more reddish brown. I’d like a subtle/natural look and to cover grays. I don’t know which henna to use that you sell and should I add indigo to it to keep it from getting too red?
Thanks for your help!
Hello Eileen. Did you want to maintain more of a medium to dark brown tone or more reddish-brown? What percentage of greys do you have?
Thanks Khadija! I would not mind a reddish brown as long as it’s natural looking, what I don’t want is for it to be really red and not match my skintone, or for it to be too dark. Hope this makes sense. My greys are mostly around my hairline, so I’d say 10-15%? I also have some dermatitis on my scalp. I read some reviews on your website where using some of the products you sell actually helped this condition. Do you recommend anything specifically?
Thank you!
I have gray hair in the front and the temples it is not taking to the Indigo I recently Henn d with Jamila first. and then indigo. I did not receive instructions for Jamila so maybe I didn’t let it sit long enough before I used it 3 to 4 hours but it did stay in my hair 9 hours. I am seeing red tones after I applied indigo over 4 hours. help!! This is not my first time, however it does seem to have the same outcome? What am I not doing right
Good day Simone. We apologize for the delayed reply. Over the weekend, since Henna Sooq is closed, we get backed up with our replies. Did you receive our instructions from Henna Sooq? So the henna leaves a reddish tint? In this, then we know the henna is working but the indigo may not be. Are you using our indigo for hair or organic indigo? If you do need our instructions please email us at
Hi 🙂
I am just starting to get 15 % grey hair strands…
my natural colour is medium brown…
I have never used henna and really dislike using ammonia…
could you suggest what i would get for henna hair powder
thanks Karen : )
Sure absolutely Karen. You could use our moroccan henna and indigo for hair to achieve a medium brown tone. Both recipes and instructions come with your products.
Hi, I recently bought henna paste from my local indian store, I made my paste like I always do but for some reason when I removed it after 6hours the henna looked faded and barely showed up on my skin is it the brand? Or quality? I used Rajasthani brand
Zema, it might be possible that the quality you bought was better to be used on hair. Please review the ingredients. Good henna for body art really should always be BAQ henna from a reliable source for best results and color such as from :
Hi! I have light brown hair, and I am looking to go a reddish brown without my hair getting too orange-y. Any recommendations?
Hi Lauren. You could use our indigo for hair with our moroccan henna as that would create a really nice reddish-brown.
Hi. Have been colouring my hair since 10odd years. I have jet black hair, greying from the temples rapidly. I would like to switch over to henna and achieve a deep red hue, not orange. Also i have heavy frizzy hair with lots of bounce. Is henna ideal?
Sunita you’d love our Red Raj. Please use that and to tame the frizz you can use our Cocoveda hair oil or Organic Argan oil.
I use Moroccan henna plus indigo, more indigo in the mix. Leave it on 4 hrs. My roots keeping getting lighter and lighter and my greys lose their color as we’ll. I do use salt with the indigo. In pictures I have orange roots with dark brown almost black long hair. What am I doing wrong?
My hair is completely grey. I use your product for years.
What would you suggest for my hair to achive not very red colour?
When I combine henna and indigo it doesn’t come out very nice – roots are much lighter than I expect.
Maybe it has something to do with right proportions?
Please, advice.
Thank you for your reply and wish you success.
Thank you for your message Meela on our blog. Which henna and indigo are you using?
Hello. For your treatment maybe use a henna that has better dye content so that you get better coverage. Our Red Raj covers the hair nicely as well and would work better for you.
Hi, I have dark brown hair with 15% gray. I want my hair to be deep red not orange,can u plz suggest a suitable henna type for me.
Hello Fareeha. Great to hear from you. We’d recommend our Red Raj henna powder. That would be perfect for you.
So informative! Thank you so much! 🙂 I currently have turquoise hair (so underneath is bleached.) I am wanting to go down the all natural route of hair dying and I’ve been reading up on henna! What would you suggest I do to get my hair to a lovely natural red mahogany. My natural colour is dark brown. From my understanding I would have to henna my hair to the colour closest to my virgin hair, and then after some time, then work in the red. Any thoughts or advice would be so welcome! 🙂 xx
Exactly Mindy. You’re on the right path to getting started. First dye your hair back to your natural hair color with our organic rajasthani indian henna and indigo for hair. Then you can just use our organic rajasthani indian henna or Red Raj for that deep rich mahogany tone. I hope this helps
That’s awesome 🙂 thank you so much for your reply!!
Hi, I recently dyed my hair red, and it is fading so fast! My natural hair color is a light brown with a reddish tint. I am wanting to maintain a red/copperish color, not too light, not too dark. A warmer tone, more natural tone.
I also have curly hair, and do not want the loosening affects of henna. What would you recommend for me?
Red Raj would be a good choice and you can add amla to the henna recipe directly or use amla alone as a second step to maintain your curls.
Hi there,
I’ve been using chemical dyes to dye my naturally blonde hair dark for years – now I want to go natural and whilst I know I can’t dye the already-dyed hair with henna, I’d like to start using henna on my roots to encourage my hair to be strong and dark.
The colour I need to get the blonde to go to is a medium brown, with slight copper tones – what henna would you recommend, please?
Very useful site, by the way!!
Xx Charlie
Hi Charlie. We’d recommend our Red Raj henna with indigo for hair, as that will leave a slight copper tone on your hair.
Hi, I just purchased your Red Raj henna and so excited to use it for the first time. My hair is currently color dyed blonde. Can I still put this henna on top of that? If so, what color do you think will come out?
Thanks and I love your products
Hello,i am new to the Henna
My hair color is black(no gray), ear lenght,type 4b and fine… would love to have a copper or mahogany tone on my hair,strengthen and moisturize too!
Please help me…what to buy,how to apply…
Thank you…by the way your site is the bomb!