
This year’s 3rd annual Henna Chai event was a huge success!

The Henna Chai is our yearly henna conference in which there are classes given on various henna body art topics, ayurvedic hair care, business tips, and filled with games, and prizes.

Awesome group picture


There was a great turnout. We had people coming in from the US, Montreal, British Columbia, and many locals around Toronto and beyond. We couldn’t have done it without all of you!

We’d like to thank our sponsors:

  • Banglez: A beautiful swag bag filled with goodies. A lot of the goodies were imported items from India. Banglez specializes in makeup artistry, and wedding jewelry sets from India.
  • Ayurvedic Touch: Botannical perfumes. They specialize in ayurvedic care, massage, and therapy.
  • Shaista: 3 gorgeous hand decorated (with henna and rhinestones)candles. Specializing in bridal mehndi and henna services in Montreal.
  • Holly: Beautiful henna toolbox from India, decorated with dazzling paisleys.
  • Henna Sooq: ayurvedic hair care, swag bag gifts. Specializing in henna body art services, and major Canadian supplier.
  • Henna Page: chocolate, shampoo bars, henna. Major American henna supplier.
  • Kree: Specializing in henna body art application in Seattle, Washington.
  • Safeda: bath salts gifts. Specializing in bath products, and custom candles.
  • Skin Treats: famous honeybush chai masala, and gifts for swag bags. Specializing in 100% natural soaps, body products and more.
  • Starbucks Brampton: FREE coffee for our event!!

We had a special performance by Shema of Arabesque Belly Dance which really delighted all of us. With her swirls of color, and mystical, ancient moves it was truly uplifting. She also gave us a brief history on the dance.


Above photo courtesy of Tammi of Henna Bee

All of our classes went smoothly. We had a special visit by a very talented local henna artist Dimple Shah. What I have learned from Dimple Shah, is that you can roll cones with squares too, not just triangles, or rectangles.

Dimple doing mehndi 6

We also gave back to our earth by participating in Earth Hour. We turned off the lights from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm in support of Earth Hour. You can see us here doing henna by candlelight.


Above photo courtesy of Henna By Holly

Then there was the grand feast! Our food was catered by Hamdi’s Somalian restaurant in Etobicoke. We also had a vegetarian selection with yummy samosas, and lasagna. The grand feast is mainly my own weakness for food 🙂


Above photo courtesy of Henna by Holly

Congratulations to all of our winners!!

Bibi: Henna Toolbox from India. Prize from Holly.
Shikha: Banglez Swag Bag
Heidi: Ayurvedic Touch Swag Bag
Holly: Henna decorated candle by Shaista
Tammi: Henna decorated candle by Shaista
Mariel: Henna decorated candle by Shaista

We really look forward to seeing all of you next year. Mark your calenders now for the dates of March 20-22, 2010. We have decided to take a full weekend conference, and we’ll be renting a home to use and accomodate most of us. Should you be interested in being part of the Henna Chai Team, let us know at hennasooq@gmail.com. We’d love to have you!

Once again, I thank all of you for making this a really memorable time that I will never forget! Much love and peace.