
Many of you have perhaps come across online blogs, and forums that speak about different hair types, or hair classifications. Ever wonder what type you are? Many of our clients do. Here is your hair type guide.

Type 1 hair can be fine, medium or coarse in texture, but typically it is very straight. There is no wave, nor curl pattern. This hair type can get oily quickly, and usually needs to be washed more frequently. Such as every 1-2 days. We found that clients with this hair type that didn’t wash frequently enough would get dandruff easily, and itchy scalp. Since the hair is very straight, light tends to hit it easily to reflect the shine of this hair type.

Recommended Henna Sooq Products: Light hair oils such as Organic Golden Jojoba Oil and Organic Camellia Oil. Some can also use Organic Argan Oil. Henna and Ayurvedic Herbs can be used on this hair type. Sweet Honey, Soapnut, and Argan Oil shampoo bars are especially good for this hair type.

This hair type is considered wavy hair. The hair curls/waves into a “S” shape. The waves of this hair type stick close to the scalp. You’ll also find fine, medium and coarse textures of type 2 hair. This hair type does tend to slightly frizz for some, but is easy to style, and manipulate. Matinah has type 2 fine hair. Our children tend to have light hair and then it grows out, becoming darker in tone. We use hair oils in her hair such as argan oil to tame down frizzies. It’s important to brush out her fine hair delicately as it can easily break.

Recommended Henna Sooq Products: Hair oils such as Organic Golden Jojoba Oil, Organic Argan Oil, and Organic Camellia Oil. Henna and Ayurvedic Herbs can be used on this hair type. Sweet Honey, Berhempsu, Soapnut, and Argan Oil shampoo bars are especially good for this hair type.

There is lots of bounce and well defined curls with this hair type. It’s easily styled by blowing it out straight, or braiding or twisting it. It’s also usually very fine, and soft.
Our daughter Mariyah has this hair type. We make sure after shampooing to use conditioner and leave it in her hair for at least 5 minutes. Then she thoroughly washes it out. What we recommend is that after it’s washed to immediately brush or comb it out and detangle it. This can also be started in the shower. Organic Argan Oil is absolutely amazing in her hair, and we have a video to show you just that. It is a detangling, all natural wonder! What we love about argan oil is that it doesn’t leave the hair looking greasy or dirty looking. It absorbs well, and has the affect of a leave in conditioner cream. It holds her curls and tames frizzies. Please view that video here on using hair oils.

Recommended Henna Sooq Products: Hair oils such as Cocoveda Hair Oil, Organic Golden Jojoba Oil, Organic Argan Oil, and Organic Camellia Oil. Henna and Ayurvedic Herbs can be used on this hair type. Cocoveda, Moroccan Clay, Berhempsu, and Soapnut shampoo bars are especially good for this hair type.

This rich full hair type has tight coils, and the curls are densely packed together. This hair type is very fragile, and ranges from fine to medium to coarse. It tends to be drier than other hair types because the bends and twists not only provide points that are more fragile, they actually make it hard for the natural oil (sebum) produced by the scalp to reach the ends of the hair shaft. It can shrink up to 75% of its actual length. Deep rich conditioning is perfect for this hair type.

Recommended Henna Sooq Products: Hair oils such as Cocoveda Hair Oil, Organic Golden Jojoba Oil, Organic Argan Oil, and Organic Camellia Oil. Henna and Ayurvedic Herbs can be used on this hair type. Cocoveda, Moroccan Clay, Berhempsu, and Soapnut shampoo bars are especially good for this hair type.

Two last things we want to mention when it comes to curly hair types. Should you be looking for a natural loosening of your curls you can use henna or cassia to do so. To maintain and tighten curls, and to add wave/volume to straight hair, amla powder would be your choice of ayurvedic herb for your hair.