Red Raj and Sukesh Ayurveda Hot Sellers!

Red Raj and Sukesh Ayurveda Hot Sellers!

They are flying off the shelf. Flying!! They must have wings. Get it all at Henna Sooq Sukesh Powder is Ahhhhhh….MAZING 🙂  Posted by Justice Jones on 16th Dec 2012 I ordered 2 bags of this product last month on the 20th of November which was my first time purchase with Henna Sooq. I was so impressed with the fast shipping but the real test would come when I used this powder. I made a WONDERFUL Oil Infusion by putting and entire bag into my crock pot of Cold Pressed Castor Oil, which I already loved on its own but now after being infused with the Sukesh Powder, my Castor Oil is SUPER STIMULATING…there is never a time of the day that I dont FEEL this oil working on my scalp and it makes my scalp massages even more relaxing and tranquile…I also scooped 2 tablespoons from my second bag and mixed it into a Fresh Avocado Treatment that I love and I now love it even more as my hair so so very soft and tangle free after rinsing. I will never be without this Sukesh Powder and I have ordered several more Powders since my first purchase and I can’t wait to try them all 🙂 Thank You Henna Sooq for this Impeccable Product 🙂 My hair looks great!  Posted by Anna on 23rd Jan 2013 I love the way that this makes my hair feel strong and thick. My scalp feels great too. I dont see any changes in the darkness of my hair and I’ve used this product numerous times Red Raj is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
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Organic Neem for Ayurvedic Healing Therapy

Organic Neem for Ayurvedic Healing Therapy

This is the perfect herb to add to your cleansing and conditioning recipes. Please use the below proportion guide for how much powder you’ll need to use for your hair length and thickness. Cleansing Healing Recipe: Use equal proportions of organic neem, shikakai, soapnut, and organic zizyphus spina christi powders. MIx powders together in bowl. Add warm water and mix well until a thick paste similar to yoghurt consistency. Since these herbs have a strong scent, you may want to choose from one of Henna Sooq’s essential oils and add a few drops to your recipe. Mix well. Allow this recipe to sit out for 30 minutes. Apply onto your hair by sections, starting at the front and move towards the back. Leave on your hair from 15-20 minutes. Wash out very well. Towel dry and moisturize with your favorite Henna Sooq hair oil. Deep Cleansing Antiseptic Facial: Using tablespoon each of organic neem, and organic amla powder place into bowl and mix well. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of yoghurt and mix well. Add more to create desired consistency if needed. Since perishable ingredients are being used allow only to sit 15 minutes. Apply onto your face and massage in well. Let the paste rest on your face for 5 minutes and then wash off with warm water. Place any leftovers in your fridge and use within 48 hours, or share with a friend or family member. This is a recipe that can’t be kept for long periods of time since it’s perishable. How much to use: Above ear length: 50-75 grams Shoulder length: 100-125...
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Quick and Simple Herbal Hair Glosses

Quick and Simple Herbal Hair Glosses

Glosses are a less intense version of a full strength herbal (or ayurvedic) treatment and can be very useful for the first time herb user. Especially for those with fine hair, those wanting to tone down the orangey-ness of their henna, and those wanting very little colour and more moisturising. Henna Glosses Did you know that all the herbs we have at Henna Sooq can be used as glosses as well as full strength?  Glosses are a less intense, diluted version of a full henna treatment, and are more moisturising, especially if conditioner is used.  Henna glosses can be used to: Brighten up your existing henna colour without darkening it in between root touch ups Stretch your henna powder stash Create more moisturising henna treatments Create lighter shade on light-coloured hair; great for light reds/gingers and strawberry blondes To test henna before making the full commitment For a stronger colour:  Release your henna paste, then add conditioner/etc.  Higher lawsone hennas such as Red Raj and Fresh Jamila  Henna Powder 2012 are best for stronger glosses.For weaker colours/conditioning:  Mix henna powder into paste with water, let sit for 10-20 minutes then add glossing ingredient. Experimenting is essential as everyone’s hair differs in porosity. You can use as little as 1tsp of henna paste, or as much as equal parts of henna paste and glossing ingredient.  As the Fresh Moroccan Henna paste does not freeze well, it is the best choice for those that want conditioning with little to no colour.TIP:  Freeze small portions of dye released henna and defrost them on glossing day.  Quick and easy!  Freeze your henna paste in large oiled ice cube trays,...
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The In’s and Out’s of Root Touch Ups

The In’s and Out’s of Root Touch Ups

Henna is an incredible herb that is amazing at colouring your hair naturally, and can be easily maintained with root touch ups in between full head applications.  There’s no reason to stop hennaing when hennaing the roots only is an easy option! Root touch ups are as easy as a full head application, if not easier!  To do roots-only, do stick with your usual recipe to maintain a consistent color.  On your second root touch up, overlap the dye onto the previously dyed root touch up to keep the colour even, or apply a gloss all over after a root touch up. Glosses can be done on the entire length to refresh the colour as well. To make root touch ups with henna easier, freeze henna in ice cube trays or little blobs (thanks to Anje @ LHC for the great tip), or in small zip-lock baggies.  Around 30-50 grams of combined powder is needed for a root touch up. What can I use to apply henna paste to the roots? Zip lock baggie with the corner cut Carrot bag or henna cones (easy and less messy option) Our Plastic Bottle to apply along your root line With a dye brush separating sections. A small icing piping bag with a smooth plastic round tip Most of these found at: Henna Sooq How many ways can I apply paste to my roots? Divide hair into 6 braids (loose at the base) and use an applicator to squirt henna into the roots. Make small buns with loose bases and squirt henna into the base. Part the hair as you go along and squirt or paint  henna onto the roots....
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