
Stronger, healthier hair with a beautiful shine. What can be better then what Mother Earth has for us to beautify ourselves with?

Cassia + Amla + Bhringraj = longer, stronger hair while promoting hair growth. 
Mix your cassia and amla and bhringraj together in a bowl. Equal proportions of each or as desired.
You can read this blog article to find out how much you’ll need in total for your hair length and thickness:

How much henna and Ayurvedic herbs to use on your hair?

Adding your liquid. We recommend water, conditioner or coconut milk. Mix well until consistency of a thick yoghurt.

Apply onto your hair by sections. I’ve always found that doing four sections work the best. I usually start at the front and work towards the back.
Once completed, wrap your hair and allow to stay in your hair 1-2 hours. Rinse out, dry and style as usual.

Do you have a favorite Ayurvedic hair  strengthening recipe you’d love to share? Please comment below.