
I’m so excited that Bella Henna (where her IG boasts over 45K+ followers) is coming to our Maryland studio April 2-3, 2016. She’ll be teaching classes that every henna artist on every level needs to take. These henna classes will have you creating perfectly balanced henna designs. Registering is easy at www.HennaChai.com.

Over 2 days we’ll cover 3 classes both live online and in our Maryland studio. So if you can’t make it to our Maryland studio don’t even worry about it! You can register for the online class access and tune in live and watch the recorded replay any time you want to.

legs arm resist henna techniques bella henna rachel hennasooq henna chai tattoo class conference learn baltimore maryland columbia
Mehndi Math: Sacred Geometry & Composition – April 2

All living things grow according to a set of mathematical rules, often referred to as sacred geometry.
These divine proportions are found in nature, and reflected in architecture, religious art, and more recently, tattoo design. Learn the principles of math and geometry behind these universal patterns, how they can be applied to your own mehndi designs.

In this class we will explore key concepts such as the Golden Ratio, Divine Proportion, and Rule of Thirds, and use them as tools to get out of compositional jams, maintain symmetry, and to determine the size and placement of design elements.

symmetry in motion bella henna rachel hennasooq hennachai tattoo body art art artist fine

Symmetry in Motion – April 2

The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.

This class will explore the various types of symmetry used in modern henna designs, and introduce several techniques that will help you develop your ability to create and execute symmetrical designs with ease. Learn how to use symmetrical movement to create symmetrical shapes, maintain proportions, and follow lines of symmetry, as well as tips and tricks for creating the illusion of a perfectly symmetrical henna design.sym·me·tryˈsimətrē/noun
The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.

This class will explore the various types of symmetry used in modern henna designs, and introduce several techniques that will help you develop your ability to create and execute symmetrical designs with ease. Learn how to use symmetrical movement to create symmetrical shapes, maintain proportions, and follow lines of symmetry, as well as tips and tricks for creating the illusion of a perfectly symmetrical henna design.

resist henna techniques bella henna rachel hennasooq henna chai tattoo class conference learn baltimore maryland columbia

Resist Techniques – April 3

“… “resist henna”: using a impervious substance to create patterns on the skin and then applying henna thickly over it,
so that the pattern remains unstained against a darkly-hennaed background. This technique creates bold and striking
patterns, since the thick henna ensures a dark stain, and is especially helpful if the henna is grainy or not well sifted.”
—Noam Sienna

Historically, materials such as sap, wax, flour and water, tape and string were used to create patterns on the skin around which henna was applied. Today, resist pastes can be applied from a cone just like henna and can be made from ingredients found in your kitchen, medical grade adhesives, hair products, glitter gels and more. Experiment until you find what works for you.

arm resist henna techniques bella henna rachel hennasooq henna chai tattoo class conference learn baltimore maryland columbia

We really look forward to seeing you all in very soon. Make sure you bring plenty of empty skin.
