
Now that’s a really good question. So we put it to the test!

At the Henna Sooq Family we try to use as many natural products as possible, and finding the right natural deodorant was one of the challenges. It took a lot of trial and error.

Just look at all the ones we tried.


So we dropped the Secret, and headed to Amazon and our local MOM‘s organic market. I tried a few and they didn’t work out too well.

For me, Khadija, after a few trials and error I finally found that both the Thai Crystal stone and spray work well and I combine them together. You can still get moisture underneath your pits but this is supposed to be natural and you should sweat. As long as you don’t stink. I try not to get wet personally as I still find that to be a bit embarrassing and would think people might presume you don’t wear deodorant. The worst would be to be stinky. Some of the natural deodorants like the others viewed above, left me smelling not too great.

Since we work with people constantly, we definitely can’t have that!

For hubster Jamal, he also like Thai Crystal as well but he found that sometimes it didn’t always work for him. So he finds himself rotating between the natural deodorants. He also works out a lot, and is a martial arts and Budokon instructor so he does sweat a lot more then I do. (Reminds me, I need to head to the gym more often!)

So we’ve completely ditched Secret deodorant and all harmful deodorants for about maybe 4-5 months now. I could not have been more happy! What makes me even more happy is that now I know this works, and we can pass this down to our children, and they’ll never have to lay a hand on a deodorant or antiperspirant that would be harmful to them. YEAH!!

Are you up for the challenge? Are you willing to ditch your current deodorant/antiperspirant for a natural alternative?