
My sister came to visit us from Montreal a few weeks ago and being who I am, I naturally looked at her hair and started to check it out. One of my first reactions about her hair was: What happened?! She had a hair treatment done back home that had messed up her fine strand curls. She also needed a good hair cut as her ends were toast.

I just had to work my magic on her hair using some of our fabulous Henna Sooq products. I took to creating a recipe that would focus on her hair needs and repair those damaged strands.

DIY Nourishing Hair Repair Recipe
(hair length approx. bra strap length)

I proceeded to add the Sweet Honey Nourisher and amla powder to a stainless steel bowl.


The Sweet Honey hair Nourisher works wonders as a deep conditioning and strengthening treatment. Containing infused organic cassia this creates a stronger hair strand. Adding in organic amla powder will restore her curl pattern. She had a lot of curl damage. Some curls were practically straight while others were half curls.


It was much easier to add the Sweet Honey Nourisher once we warmed it. I recommend you warm this product over a double boiler or a hot bowl of water. Please don’t microwave it as that will destroy the benefits found in this product.


Just look at how luxuriously creamy the Sweet Honey Hair Nourisher is. Just love that sweet goodness!


I then added two droppers full of our Organic Argan Oil which now comes in a beautiful amber glass bottle. Adding this oil was to treat the hair strands with the healing and repairing properties naturally found in Argan.


The new Organic Argan oil bottle and label. Perfect package.


I proceeded to mix all of those fabulous ingredients together. Once everything has been mixed well then it’s time to apply it onto hair. Since this is a honey treatment and therefore is quite sticky please note that it’s very important to apply this treatment onto damp hair or steamed hair. It’s so much easier to apply. I also did add a little bit of warm water to make my mixture just a little bit more liquidy.

If you do add water to this please make sure to use everything. Do not store leftovers of this treatment because without a preservative the water that you added can cause your whole recipe to go rancid. If no water was added then you can store and use again within 6 months.


To prep my sister’s hair I tried the Q-Redew hair steamer for the first time (right out of the box). It requires a little more practice on my part but it was actually really amazing. The steam definitely helped a lot. We then applied the hair treatment all over her hair and allowed it to stay on for 60 minutes. We washed it all out with warm water. No need for shampoo nor conditioner.


Her hair was left feeling soft, silky and just beautiful. You could see how with just even 1 treatment her hair looked amazing. She could still use some curl restoration so she’ll continue on with regular treatments that contain amla powder.
