
This week’s promotion: $5 Organic Neem for Ayurvedic Healing Therapy


Perfect Ayurvedic Herb for Hair & Skin Care:

  • can be used as a paste recipe directly
  • can be used to create an oil infusion
  • eliminates dandruff
  • heals itchy irritated scalp
  • anti-bacterial
  • anti-fungal
  • gets rid of lice
  • removes excess oils from skin
  • helps fight skin disorders
  • deep cleanses and eliminates acne

Party Over Hair, featured on Curly Nikki says this about Neem:

“Neem is known in Ayurveda for its powerful effectiveness in fighting diseases. Its properties are naturally antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral.

In skin care, a paste made with neem will remove excess oils from the face and clear pimples. It will also aid with scars. When used in a soap or oil, neem can help to relieve dry skin as well as the itchiness and redness from eczema. In a salve or cream, neem’s antiseptic properties aid in healing cuts and minor wounds. Using neem to make a tea or face mask will help to treat acne.

In hair care, neem promotes shiny, healthy hair, combats dryness of scalp, and fights scalp infections and dandruff. Undiluted neem oil will help treat head lice.”


Shop Our $5 Organic Neem

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